30. Detention: cont.

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Back at the School for Good:

" this outfit to to damn tight! I think I've lost circulation in my balls..." Hort said, as he awkwardly tried to get comfortable in Dovey's office chair.

" it's not so bad! Now help me sort these papers by subject, then we can go downstairs to lunch!" Dovey said.

"I have to eat lunch wearing this tight ass outfit?!?!"

"And sit on the Ever's side of the dining room!" Dovey said, cheerfully...

" awww fuck me!" Hort said moaning!

"Watch your language mister!" Dovey interrupted...

Hort was truly miserable. Honestly he would rather give Professor Manley a pedicure! Gross!

Back at the School for Evil:

Lesso began passing out a worksheet , filled with incredibly difficult scenarios and trick questions. Lesso waved her finger glow and writing quills appeared at each desk. Sirena and Hester looked at some of the questions on the worksheet and they were stunned. These questions were far too difficult for even a third year student... there were so many questions . They were so difficult. Sirena was getting overwhelmed . And Hester was about to loose her mind from being separated from her dragon.

Lesso just sat in her chair watching over her students. Sirena couldn't take it any longer. Her heart was racing, her ears felt like they were gonna explode, her hands were shaking. The walls were closing in around her. Without thinking, Sirena let out a terrible scream and bolted out of the classroom. She couldn't control herself at that moment. Hester said nothing , and looked at Lesso and gave her a "what the fuck just happened" look. After about forty five minutes. Lesso dismissed Hester from detention.

"Is Sirena gonna be alright?" Hester asked as Lesso opened the cage and let the dragon reunite with its master...

"Speak of this to no one!" Lesso said as she left the room. Lesso went to find Sirena....

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