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                        𓂃⋆ KIM TAEHYUNG ⋆𓂃

They say beauty is what lies inside but why does this world always make me feel the opposite. I mean I don't mind not getting attention from any guy out there, but I do mind being called ugly again and again.

Ugly duckling is what he calls me and every time he uses this world something hits my insides.I mean don't husbands usually call their wives darling, baby cupcake, sweetheart or other sugarcoated appealing words like that?

??: Taehyung are you listening?

Th: Just a second Jisoo I will be there!

I screamed from inside the bathroom as I gave my makeup it's final touches.I was wearing a red dress. for the first time felt beautiful wearing it.

My hair were tied in a high bun with my flick laying lightly on my face. I didn't feel like using a blush as my cheeks were already a bit pinkish, burning with fever.

With one final look, I opened my door to be met with a cold look from my husband. He was looking perfect in a black and for a second I forgot that I was blankly look at him.

Jk: This will not do.

He simply says, a looks of distaste covering his perfect features. He shook his head in a no and looks displeasingly at me. His words broke me for the first time...I mean I thought I looked beautiful for the first time in my life.

Why will he say something like this?He moved closer to me and I couldn't manage to look into his eyes anymore. The eyes which displayed how much he hated me.

I felt his fingers run through my hair to stop on my hair clutch and. next I know I felt a tug and my long hair flowed down my back covering the deep back neck of my dress fully.

I looked up surprised at him to only find his eyes fixed on my lips.Handing me a napkin he speaks in coldness.

Jk: Dab it on your lips, the lipstick is too dark.

I follow his instructions and all this time his eyes didn't leave my lips. Making me even more self conscious.

Next, his fingers move up to play with my fringe. Rotating it in his fingers. The rotational swings made it bouncy and he laid it softly on my cheek. His cold knuckles slide down my burning cheek making a shiver to runs down my spine. Making my whole body to quiver under his touch.I expected him to feel disgusted and that's exactly what he did. He moved back his hand, so fast like my touch just burned him. Placing his hands back in his pant pockets he moves back from me.

He looked very angry at something, which I failed to recognise.i didn't do anything to infuriate him further, hell I even listened to his instructions. Then why this change in his temperament?

Jk: Do you think you look beautiful today?

His words were like swords, piercing right through my heart. Making me instantly look up at him, surprised to hear such a question.

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