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                       𓂃⋆ THIRD PERSON POV ⋆𓂃

4 Months Later

Jih: You know you don't have to give me those puppy eyes! I would have said yes anyways!

Tae jumped into his arms.

Th: You are the best Jihoon!! Have I told you how much I love you?

Jihoon smiled seeing that natural smile on his face after such a long time. His peach fragrance engulfed him and he hugged him tightly.

Jih: No you haven't...but I don't mind waiting.

The words left his lips before he could stop himself. Punching him on his shoulder he thought it to be a joke for which Jihoon was thankful.

Th: Strawberry it is then!!

Jih: Your wish is my command, my man!

Pulling back from him, he made his way towards his bike to only have Tae eyes widen in excitement.

Th: Oh my god!! Are we riding on this! This is so cool.

Jih: Don't tell me you have never driven a bike.

Th: I truly haven't! Dad always used to say it's not safe!

The mention of Dad made get lost in thoughts for a second to only have him hide it under the cover of a fake smile. Jihoon could see straight through his fake smiles, To only reply it with his own fake one.

Jih: Place your right foot on this stand here and hop on, holding my shoulder.

he nodded placing his hand on his shoulder to have him stop Tae abruptly.

Jih: This shirt would not do...go change first

Th: Come on Jihoon I am too tired to go and change

Jih: Tae, try to unde-

Before he could complete his sentence a fabric tearing sound was heard and he stared at him in shock. Tae pencil shirt torned. Jihoon blushed a hundred shades red on seeing his waist Without wasting a second he jumped onto his bike, holding onto his shoulders for support. Jihoon gulped down his saliva trying to act as normal as possible. Trying to ignore his soft touch on his shoulder and that heavenly breath on his neck.

Th: Come on Jihoon !! Ride it!!

His hormones did a summersault when he misheard the word 'it' with 'me'. Only when he tapped his shoulder again did he wake up from his world of dreams.

Th: Where are you lost? Come on!! Or the ice cream parlour will be closed!

Jih: Yeah...sorry....

He kicks started the bike to only have Tae scream in excitement. The bike roared in the silence of the deserted street and soon they were flying with the wind dusting away Tae worries and hidden pains.

??: Your order sir?

Th: Hmm 2 strawberry treats and 1 chocolate waffle.

Jih: Since when did you started liking waffles?

I thought you hated them the last time we went for a dessert Tae steps halted as he stared at him hand holding the waffles. The question surprised him as well as his mind drifted towards someone who was very fond of waffles.

Th: Even...I don't know

Jih: Strawberry was not my type but then I met you.

Tae eyes zooming onto him, trying to decipher the meaning behind his words.

Th: Do you mean to say that I have spoiled your taste, Go have your plain Vanilla then! Give this to me!

Tae tried grabbing onto his ice cream to which he stepped back

Jih: Hey, man! Calm down! What's with your sudden mood swings!

Th: No...give it to me! You go get another!

Tae e again tried grabbing his ice cream to which he held Tae wrist and pulled him towards him. Making him close the distance between them.he stared at him with that doe like eyes and he got lost in them.

Jih: I never said I don't like it, instead Strawberry is my new Favourite.

Tae eyes widened in shock as he smiled at him. His eyes flickered and that strawberry ice cream at the corner of his with this heartbreak, then think again because Tae is much stronger than you think.

Jihoon had tears in his eyes as he engulfed him in a hug. he soothed his back as he felt all his pains.

Jih: Please....I....I don't want please don't change..

Th: Shhh sassy boy, you are ruining my shirt with your tears.

He broke in laughter in-between his cries as he clenched onto him tightly. Once finally done with crying he stood there in front of him, cleaning his tears with the sleeves. of his shirt.he stood there smiling at him with head moving in disbelief.

Th: You are such a crybaby Jihoon. I thought you're strong man.

He smirked at Tae moving towards him suddenly, Not expecting he stepped back to only have him step forward.tae back hits the front door as he looked up at him. Pressing one hand on his either side, he smirked.

Jih: Do you want me to show you how much of a strong man I am...dear?

Tae eyes widened as he interpreted his words. Smirking in reply he held the handle of his door behind his back

Th: Sorry sassy boy but this me doesn't need a man.

With this, he twisted the knob behind him and entered inside. Making Jihoon lose his balance and fall down with his face pressed on the door. Tae laughter was heard in response as he smiled listening to its melody.

Jih: You can drive a man crazy and if not, he is not a man.

                                  ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

                                  ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

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