betting on fools cost you dollars(faf x virat)

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"Bada pyaar aa rha tha aaj ground pe." Rajat wiggled his eyebrows at Virat, who was arranging his kit bag. He just shook his head and laughed at his words because no matter what he says they'll continue teasing him now.

"What did he say?" Faf nudged him with his elbow, but Virat shook his head, "Nothing, he's just shitting around."

The last thing he wants to do is remind Faf about that. It seems like he's almost forgotten about it otherwise Faf would have been the first one to start this joke.

"What nothing?" Maxi swatted Virat's arm sharply and sat beside him, "He's talking about how Virat almost kissed you today."

"Oh, that," Faf smirked knowingly at Virat, who didn't look up from his kit bag. Faf was amused to see how the same guy had jumped on him in front of thousands of people just an hour ago but could not look at him now.

"What's the big deal about that?" Faf said and stood in front of Virat. "He usually does it way better than that."

"What?" Virat's head snapped up in surprise and the other boys just stared silently snickering. "You don't think so?" Faf asked him, hiding a grin as he took in the surprised expression on his face.

"Usually it goes like this," Faf said as he kneeled in front of Virat, "And I hold him like this." He cradles Virat's face in his hands making his breath hitch.

"Come on Vi, put your hands around me like you usually do," Faf says in a teasing voice and Virat is so lost in the twinkle of his eyes that he barely processes anything.

Faf just shakes his head, "Sorry boys, I think he's a little tired right now because otherwise he'd have done this himself." Virat just stared at him as Faf took his hands and placed them around his shoulders.

"And then he leans in like-" Faf pushes his face forward and Virat's lips part in anticipation. But Faf makes no move to come closer and they keep looking at each other.

"And then they kiss." It is Maxi who continues the storytelling and Virat's eyes flutter shut.

Nothing happens for a few seconds and Virat is about to open his eyes, thinking that it's all a joke when he feels a feather-like touch on his forehead.

"And then we kiss," Faf whispers against his forehead and a smile appears on Virat's lips before he starts chuckling and leans into Faf even more.


"I'm confused." Rajat shakes his head and pushes his plate away. "Are they dating or not?"

"At least we know they like each other." Jacks offers offhandedly as he sips on his smoothie. DK and Maxwell nod at his words, confirming the statement.

"Enough to date?" Rajat questions them, and Anuj just shrugs from the other end of the table.

"Enough to cover each other in hickeys if you lock them in a room together," Siraj adds next, wiggling his eyebrows to show what he meant.

The boys collectively groan out, complaining about how no one wanted those images in their heads.

"Well, I don't think they like each other like that." Cameron shakes his head, "They're both affectionate people." Anuj agrees with him and a new debate ensues.

"The way Faf teased Virat earlier, that was not just affection," Mayank argued heatedly.

"But they didn't actually kiss." Anuj reasoned.

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