safe word settings (rahul x hardik)

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Rahul had been in a terrible mood all day. 

It had started with waking up alone. His mornings without his boyfriend always were the most tedious ones.

He had spilt coffee all over his white t-shirt, then he had slipped in the bathroom and had a sore wrist. 

As if he had not been annoyed enough already, his manager scheduled two shoots and an interview.

The first shoot was still okay. They made him try a lot of outfits, and it took around three hours, but it was fine.

It was the second shoot that had left him with a massive headache. From their designers to their makeup artists, everyone had a different style and argued at the top of their lungs.

The shoot, which was supposed to be done in two hours, had taken six.

Rahul had missed his lunch and gotten a crappy Starbucks coffee before the interview.

Surprisingly, it was the interview that had riled him up the most.

The interviewer kept asking him extremely personal questions that kept him on the edge all night.

Do Virat and Rohit fight in the dressing room?

What do you eat before hitting a century?

Do you want to become captain after Rohit?

Which ad did you have the most fun shooting?

Do you hate your IPL team owner?

Who do you think is a better IPL team owner- Preity or Shahrukh?

He would still say he was doing extremely well dealing with him. But that was until he started talking about his boyfriend.

"How do you deal with having such a loud personality as a partner?"

Loud was not inherently a bad adjective, but the way he had grimaced while saying it showed exactly what he meant.

Rahul still kept his calm, answered him with a polite tone, and avoided the question like a pro.

"Don't you ever think dating someone like Jasprit or Ajinkya would be better than Hardik Pandya? He's a walking controversy."

Now, that was when he'd lost it.

Saying he lost it didn't cover it - Rahul had jumped off his seat and grabbed the interviewer's collar before threatening him to never take his boyfriend's name ever again.

What he had not realized was that the camera had been recording the entire incident.

Now, his managers were having a nightmare dealing with the channel.

He would apologize to his team later, he thought and sat down on the couch. After the day he had, all he wanted to do was lie down in peace and maybe read a boo-


Rahul jerked up at the loud noise that started out of nowhere.


In walked his boyfriend, wearing sunglasses at seven in the evening, a set of speakers on his shoulders, and a smug grin on his face.


Rahul groaned at the loud beat and reached to turn the speaker off, but Hardik just moved away and started dancing to the energetic beats.

"Baba band karde na abhi." Rahul said weakly, but Hardik grinned at him cheekily and shook his head.


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