matchmaking fools (travis x rohit)

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"Why is he everywhere?" Travis groaned when he saw the familiar boy walking inside the room.

Maxwell frowned and looked around, smirking when he saw Rohit laughing with his friends.

"What's your problem with him?" He asked curiously, watching Travis glare at him.

"Everything?" Travis said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "He acts like he's so cool and no one can touch him, their other players aren't so arrogant."

Maxwell enjoyed his friend complaining about the Indian captain and smirked at the growing frustration.

"You like him, don't you?" Travis glared at him when he cut him off and rolled his eyes.

"Don't say shit, I can't even stand him." 

Maxwell smirked as he devised a plan, "So, you don't have any problem with him and Tim dating?" 

Travis's head snapped towards him instantly and Pat hid his smirk. "They're dating?"

Max shrugged, "Not yet." 

His eyes narrowed in a glare, "Then what do you mean?"

"Tim was telling me he's going to ask Rohit out soon, I mean they're pretty close- see." 

Travis looked at them and frowned when he saw Tim and Rohit laughing at something, Rohit had his hand around his shoulder and Tim was leaning towards him.

"They're actually going on a date?" He asked in disbelief and Max held back a laugh, nodding his head.

"I need to warn him." Max frowned at his words because this was not what he had planned.

"Warn who? And about what?" He asked confusedly but Travis was already out of his seat.

"Why has God given me all these idiot besties?" Maxwell grumbled and ran after him to stop himself from doing something idiotic.

Before he could reach him though Travis had already taken Tim to the side and a puzzled Rohit sat alone at the table.

"Hey, Rohit." Max greeted him and ran towards Travis who was lecturing a confused looking Tim.

"-don't think it's going to be different and just listen to me, okay?"

"What are you saying?" Tim sounded confused but Maxwell shook his head wildly from behind Travis. 

"Just trust me on this. Rohit isn't a nice guy okay?"

"What the fuck have I ever done to you, man?" Rohit's voice came from behind and Maxwell cursed mentally.

'This was not how it was supposed to go.' He shouted in his mind when Travis and Rohit glared at each other intensely. 

"He thinks we're going on a date." Tim informed him, looking confused himself.

Rohit looked confused for a second before his anger returned, "What the fuck? When did we decide that?" 

Travis was about to speak when Rohit cut him off, "And even if we were going on a date, why does this muchad have a problem with it?" 

"Because Tim is my friend, and he's a good person- unlike you." He shot back instantly, standing right in front of him.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Rohit chuckled amusedly and that pissed off Travis even more.

"Because of this," Travis shouted, pointing his finger at his chest. "Your attitude, it's so annoying, oh god. You don't care about anything." 

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