sabdo zyada pyaar (virat x shubman)

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Virat rushed out of the car and ran towards Ishan and Hardik, who were holding Shubman up.

"What happened to him?"

Shubman perked up at his voice and stood straighter instantly, a wide grin on his face as he looked at Virat.

"Raja saab aa gaye." He shouted in a sing-song voice, making the two boys flinch at the volume. But Shubman couldn't care less as he threw himself on Virat, who caught him with practiced perfection.

Hands around his neck, Shubman smiled at him lazily and let his weight fall on Virat. "How much did he drink?"

"He had two beers with me, but when I came back, he was already doing shots with Abhi," Ishan said apologetically.

Virat shook his head disappointedly because he knew his hangover always got worse when he mixed his drinks.

"I'm going to drop him home. Do you guys need a ride?"

Both the boys raised their hands, and Virat let out an amused chuckle and motioned them to get in the car.

"Waise aaj kis baat ki party thi?" He questioned after carefully strapping Shubman into the passenger seat. "Shub just said that you guys were going to hang out after practice for a while."

"Originally wohi tha plan." Hardik poked his head through the gap between the two seats. "Then more boys came in, and the drinks kept coming. And now we're here."

Virat laughed at them and took a sharp turn, quickly putting his arm in front of Shubman to make sure he didn't fall.

"Ishan is staying at yours, I suppose?" Virat asked rhetorically after stopping in front of their building. Hardik nodded and pushed Ishan out of the car.

"Shub, you wanna go with them?" Virat asked the sleepy boy at the front, and Shubman frowned in annoyance and shook his head. "Gonna go wi-ith you."

"Okay, baba, I was just making sure." Virat quickly pacified the pouting boy and waved at Hardik and Ishan, who were watching them incredulously.

"How long is Virat bhai going to continue this act?" Ishan asked with a frown, "Shubman has already proposed to him, what, twice now?"

Hardik shrugged and kicked a pebble on the road. "The age gap worries him, but don't worry, he'll melt soon enough."

"How long will he resist our Shubi boy?" Both of them burst out laughing and walked inside.


"Bacha, wake up, come on, Shub."

Shubman groaned and rolled over, hiding his face in the pillows. "Papa, please, I was having the best dream ever. Thodi der aur."

In his dreams, Virat finally accepted his proposal, and they were flying to Barbados. Hardik and Ishan were barbecuing the chicken while they walked on the beach.

"Baby, you can sleep again later, chal abhi uth jaa." He groaned in protest when someone pulled him up by his arms and forced him to sit up against the wall.

He groggily rubbed his eyes and pouted, ready to unleash his whining on his father until he opened his eyes and saw Virat in front of him.

"Aap kab aaye?" He jumped up and sat straighter, finally looking around and realizing he was in Virat's room. "How did I get here?"

"You were too drunk to go home, so I brought you here," Virat explained, skipping over the part where Shubman clung to his arm and refused to leave him when he said he'd drop him home.

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