koi problem hai? 🔞 (rohit x virat)

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"Get in the car," Rohit said sternly, his face expressionless. 

Virat looked like he wanted to protest but a glare from him quickly shut him up and he scurried inside the car. 

Rohit slammed the door shut, making Virat jump and walked over to the car in front of them. 

"You sure you don't need a ride?" He asked the RCB captain again.

Faf who was handling an armful of a drunk and extremely affectionate Maxwell who was busy kissing all over his chest. 

"Thanks man, but we'll be fine." Faf said as he held up Maxi with an arm and opened the car door with another.

"Yeah baby, just sit there for a while, I'm coming in, yeah?" Faf soothed a pouty 5"11 Australian baby and gently shut the door.

"These two should never be allowed to go out together." Faf shook his head tiredly and Rohit chuckled.

"Yeah, always ends with a headache," Rohit sighed and shook hands with Faf before walking away.

He was about to get into the car when Faf called his name, "I'm pretty sure it was all Maxi's idea. Just go easy on him, yeah?"

Rohit smirked and nodded shortly, "We'll see about that."

Rohit didn't speak a single word on the way home which made Virat more nervous. 

He'd tried a few times to talk to him but when Rohit didn't respond at all, he gave up and sat there silently.

But he hadn't realized just how angry Rohit was until they reached home. 

As soon as they walked inside, Rohit told him to take his clothes off and be in the bed room in ten minutes. 

Virat stood there frozen for a while until the words finally sunk in and he dashed to the washroom to get ready.

He took a quick shower to wash away the sweat from the club and walked to their room silently.

Rohit was already sitting there on the chair and Virat could see that he'd still not calmed down from earlier. 

"Over my lap." Rohit said without looking at him and he gulped nervously before following the instructions.

Neither of them spoke for a while, and Virat's heart grew faster with anticipation. 

"Let's start with talking about what you did today, shall we?" Rohit stroked the back of his thighs lightly as he spoke and he shivered.

Virat tried to speak but the way Rohit was touching him was distracting him and he couldn't get a single word out.

Suddenly Rohit's hand disappeared and came down on his thighs with a  loud noise and Virat whimpered at the pain.

"We don't have all day, Vi. Come on, tell me why you're being punished?" Rohit cooed softly, his voice a contrast to his actions.

"I went out with M-Maxi." Virat said shakily.

Rohit shook his head and tutted, "Just that?"

"I didn't take my phone with me." Virat bit his lips nervously.


"I went despite Rahul bhai telling us not to go out tonight."

"What else baby?"

Virat closed his eyes, "And you told me to stay at home too."

Rohit rubbed his ass softly, "And you did the exact opposite, didn't you?"

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