don't say i didn't warn you (virat x bhuvi)

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Bhuvi frowned when he saw Virat walking towards Maxwell, and the two boys had a heated exchange.

He looked at the umpire and nodded towards them before running to his boyfriend.

"-Because you've scored some runs, you're going to sledge the bowlers for their batting? New low, G. Grow a fucking pair, yeah?"

He only caught half of what Virat had said and wrapped an arm around his torso loosely, "Okay, let's go back now." He tried but neither of them would move.

"He got a free hit and still missed it, Vi. Think it's fair to call him out, no?" Maxwell said in a mocking tone and Bhuvi felt the blood rush to his face.

"Well, how did he get the free hit in the first place? Haven't you been bowling a little too much of these no-balls?" Virat smirked at him, knowing he hit a sore spot.

Bhuvi cursed when he saw Stoinis and Warner coming towards them.

After that, it was a lost cause, three Australians against Virat while Bhuvi kept trying to pull them apart but it was only when the umpire threatened to send them all off the ground that they separated.

Bhuvi was visibly unfocused and ended up giving away his wicket to Maxwell on the very next ball. He walked back to the pavilion without a word to anyone while the Australians cheered loudly.

But when he sat in the dugout with Siraj, he saw that Maxwell and Virat were at it again, and the umpire was shouting at them this time.


"Was that necessary?" Bhuvi raised an unimpressed eyebrow at his boyfriend who just walked into the dressing room after their victory celebration outside.

Virat looked at him with an amused frown and shook his head, "You saw the way Maxwell was going off at you, you think I would've let it go?" He snorted in disbelief.

"It was about me, right? You should have just let me handle it, why did you have to get involved?"

Jaddu and Ishant exchanged knowing glances, everyone knew Virat could remain silent if someone said anything about him but never about Bhuvi. Maxwell had chosen the wrong person to sledge.

"And how were you going to handle it? By letting him say whatever he wanted?" Virat looked at him expectantly.

They all knew that Bhuvi would die before speaking up, the opposite of Virat.

"So, what?" Bhuvi raised his voice slightly and everyone grew worried, "Should everyone go and fight with others?"

Bhuvi never started a fight on his own. Even when the couple had fights, which they rarely ever did, it was usually Virat getting angry and Bhuvi pacifying him.

Virat also frowned, because this was very unlike of his boyfriend.

"Why are you dragging it?" Virat lowered his voice this time, "Let it go, it's over now."

Bhuvi shook his head, throwing the towel on the floor. "It's not over, it won't be over until months. The media is going to drag this for days, Virat."

Virat frowned when he called him by his full name because he never did that. It was always Vi, or raja, or even babe sometimes.

"They'll forget it after a new fight I start, jaan. Don't wor-"

"No, they won't. They've still not gotten over your fight with Gauti bhai." Bhuvi crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at him.

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