maa da ladla bigad gaya (virat x rohit)

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5 times they talked about their parents + 1 time they fought about it


"Vi," Rohit called his boyfriend who was busy reading a book, lying his head on his lap.

Virat just hummed in response, not looking up from his book, and Rohit pouted. "I wanted to ask you something."

Virat again just hummed at him to continue speaking, not looking at the angry look on his face.

"When am I meeting aunty?" 

There was nothing significant about his reaction. Virat kept his eyes glued to the book, his shoulders were still relaxed, and his legs were crossed,. Everything was the same as twenty seconds ago.

But Rohit still felt the shift in the air.

He could feel the way Virat held his breath for a second longer than usual. He saw the twitch of his eyebrows. And he saw the way his grip on the particular page tightened.

Virat remained silent for the next few seconds, the only sound being of the pages turning until he replied in a neutral voice. "Soon."

Although that was not what he wanted to hear, Rohit was satisfied with the answer. They had been dating for six months, so he knew it would be coming soon.


"-and then his dad asked me what degree had I done. I just kept my head down for the rest of the dinner." Hardik shuddered while Rahul just rolled his eyes fondly.

"Nothing like that happened bhaiya." He intervened before Hardik turned their dinner tale into a melodramatic retelling of Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham. Virat and Rohit laughed at the way Rahul glared at his boyfriend. 

"Acha hua he learned how to play chess at least, otherwise uncle would have said no directly." Virat teased Hardik and Rahul laughed loudly.

"Probably bhaiya." Rahul and Virat teamed up to pull his leg while Hardik just sat there with a pout.

Rohit couldn't help but let the laugh die down in his throat. He tried to smile and join their fun but for him, the mood had shifted already.

Later that night when Rohit and Virat were busy clearing the kitchen. And Rohit thought that would be the perfect time to bring it up.

"Vi, mumma papa will probably be in town next week. Dinner pe chale kya?" He asked casually but the hopefulness seeped through and he cringed internally.

He watched Virat freeze at the counter, his hands tightening on the plate he was holding. Rohit murmured prayers under his breath, hoping that his boyfriend would agree.

"I'll probably be gone for the Puma shoot next week, Bunty will mail the schedule by tomorrow and we'll see," Virat said normally and Rohit just nodded his head.

Virat could sense the change in his mood and walked towards him. He pulled him in a one-armed hug and pressed a small kiss on the side of his head, "Sorry bubs."


"Kya uncle, aap bhi." Virat laughed at something Mahi's dad had said and everyone around the table laughed along.

"Next time, you'll have to teach me how you do it." Mahi's father said in a warning voice, giving up his cards while Virat shrugged innocently.

"You're the kingmaker, uncle, what should I teach you?" He said earnestly and the older man slapped him lightly on his cheeks.

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