restart or resume? (maxwell x virat)

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Maxwell doesn't know what's going on with his boyfriend.

It had been almost a week since they'd talked to each other. That was a first since they had started playing together.

Even with their hectic schedules and neverending practice sessions, Virat would wait till one am, half dead on his feet to spend a few extra minutes with his boyfriend.

So, Maxwell was so confused about what had happened that he hadn't gotten anything but simple nods from Virat.

It had been five days since Virat had left him on seen.

There had been no annoying reels either.

And Maxwell was tired of it. The lack of communication was eating him alive, so he directly walked to Virat's room and knocked a couple of times.

The thirty seconds until the door swung open Maxwell was already overthinking his decision. He was a sucker for communication but he also wanted to avoid confrontations.

What if Virat didn't want to see him? What if he was busy and Maxwell was annoying him?

Before he could flee from there Virat was already in front of him, looking exhausted, wearing a crumpled brown t-shirt and black shorts.

"What are you doing here?"

Maxwell froze for a second, this was not the reaction he had been expecting after a week of not speaking to each other.

But Virat looked serious and blank-faced so he straightened up and cleared his throat. "Nothing just wanted to catch up. But if you're busy, I'll leave."

Maxwell turned around, ready to delay this communication because he was a chicken alright? It was scary enough to come to confront your boyfriend about why he wasn't talking to you, and now the said boyfriend looked like he was annoyed.

"No, wait, I had to talk to you as well. Come in." Virat called out and he looked at him to make sure.

When Virat nodded his head Maxwell sighed in relief and walked into the room, feeling strangely unfamiliar with the room.

The room was far from being dirty, Virat was too much of a clean freak for that. But the room was a mess according to his regular standards.

There were socks beside the bed, four coffee mugs on the table, a few books scattered on the bedside, and a hoodie on the chair, Maxwell frowned at the condition of the room.

"What have you done to the room? Are you fine?"

"I think we should break up."

Maxwell's heart stopped for a second. The smile slipped off his face when the words sunk into his mind. He waited for Virat to laugh, maybe say that this was a joke. But nothing happened.

And he wished Virat would have slapped him instead. Maybe that would have been less painful.

"Oh." He whispered, forcing a smile on his face even though tears filled his eyes. He does not want to cry right now. "Vi, I- what did I do wrong?"

He saw the way Virat's hand almost reached out to hold him but he stopped it midway. "It's nothing like that, Maxi."

Then what went wrong?

Maxwell wanted to scream at him, he tried to shake the answers out of him, But all he could manage at that moment was a shaky smile, "I'm glad you told me." He turned around and walked out of the room before Virat could see the tears streaming down his face.

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