i've got my eye on you (pat x abhishek)

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Abhishek was not a jealous person.

Or so he had been telling himself for the past hour.

He didn't understand why the captain had to be so close around Marco all the time. He did get that they were practising, but for an hour? Seriously?

He rolled his eyes and packed his kit bag. They had about an hour left, but he wouldn't be able to focus anyways, and he had a terrible headache incoming. 

"Room jaa rha hai?" Mayank asked him, and frowned when he saw the expression on his face, "You're not feeling well?" 

"Nahi bhaiya, it's just a headache. I'll sleep it off." He gave him a thumbs up and forced a grin just to show him that he was fine.

He lingered in the ground for a few more minutes, hoping that maybe Pat would see him, but when he realized that he was too busy, Abhishek huffed and stomped towards his room.

"When he wants, I'm his favourite teammate. And now he won't even look at me." He mumbled to himself as he threw his kitbag in the corner of the room and took his towel.

"I won't even talk to him, not even when he begs me to." He huffed as he took a painkiller for his headache and swallowed it dry. 

His body felt like it was burning, or maybe it was his heart, Abhishek thought sulkily.

Ever since he'd realised that he was in love with his captain, things had been very difficult for him. Why did it have to be the one person who was everyone's favourite?

He shook away his thoughts and was about to get into the shower when his phone started ringing. 

"Ab kaun hai yaar." He asked rhetorically, and his eyes brightened when he saw Pat's name on the screen. 

He let it ring out completely, not picking it up. "Why should I pick it up at once?" He thought with a smirk and decided to pick up only if he called again.

As he had thought, the phone rang again, and Abhishek picked it on the third ring. But before he could say anything, the captain's stern voice made him freeze.

"I know you're having an amazing season, but if you think you're above practice sessions, then it might not last long."

Abhishek's throat turned dry at the cold words, and he didn't know what to say.

"I'm hoping I'll see you working extra hard for missing this." With that, Pat ended the call, and he stood there, holding his phone with a stunned expression.

Did Pat think he was getting arrogant with his game? Was that why Pat had not talked to him after the last match? 

It had been three days, and this was probably the longest they had gone ever since the season started. Abhishek had been thinking it was because of his feelings that were making him overthink the situation, but apparently not.

Maybe Pat just liked Marco better because he never slacked off at practice.

With that thought, Abhishek threw his towel away and carried his kit bag again, heading down for practice. 


"Everyone, don't worry. Don't take any stress for the upcoming match. We still have three days."

The team members nodded at their captain's words before starting with their dinner. They all had just come from a tiring training session and dug straight into the food. 

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