everything is fair in love and war (hardik x bhuvi)

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5 times hardik pranked bhuvi and 1 time hardik cried 


Bhuvi frowned at the number flashing on his phone screen and declined the call again. 

This was probably the fifteenth call in the last ten minutes, he thought as his phone buzzed with another call.

"Utha le na." Jaddu said from the other side of the room where he was playing FIFA with Hardik and Rahul.

So, Bhuvi finally picked up the call.

"Listen, I don't know who this is but you've probably got the wrong number." He said straight to the point and hung up.

He had just reopened his book when the phone buzzed again. He picked it up with a loud sigh.

"This is Bhuvaneshwar, right?" 

He frowned at the girl's voice. Now who was this girl calling him, he thought because he never gave his number to anyone.

"Yes, who is this?" He closed his book and sat straight.

"I am from ICICI Bank, sir, Andheri branch manager." Okay now Bhuvi was alert.

"This is to let you know that your transaction of 5 crores has been succesfully carried out."

The caller hung up before Bhuvi could say anything. He tried calling a few times again but the line was unreachable.

Then he got a message saying the same thing. So he did the most logical thing he could, he turned to his boyfriend.

"What's wrong baby?" Hardik paused his game and asked when he saw Bhuvi's troubled expression.

"I think I might be broke." Bhuvi said and fell down on the bed dramatically.

Rahul and Jaddu exchanged puzzled looks, keeping their controllers down. 

"I just got a call that someone transfered 5 crores from my account." He handed his phone to Hardik who read it and gave him a sympathetic look.

"It's okay baby, you know how they say, tere sath sukhi roti bhi shahi panir lagegi." Hardik laid down beside him and pulled him in his arms, pressing a loud kiss on his head.

"But how did this happen?" Bhuvi asked, still in confusion.

"Don't think about it now, we'll go and file a police co-"

"All these years and you still don't know your boyfriend." Rahul cut him off, "He's pranking you, it's a scam number." 

Bhuvi looked at his boyfriend and gaped at the guilty look on his face. He quickly took a pillow from the side and started hitting him with it.

"Do you know how scared I was?" He scolded him, while the younger boy howled with laughter. 

"But it was funny, the way you got so scared." Hardik sat up pouting at him and Bhuvi couldn't resist laughing at his silliness.

"Tum kab sudhroge?" 

"Kabhi nahi." Hardik jumped on top him, tackling him with a hug.


"Didn't you say you were craving something sweet?" 

Hardik innocently placed the pack of choco-pie in front of him. But Bhuvi narrowed his eyes at him, having learnt his lesson.

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