wait for me? (mahi x virat)

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"I've noticed something," Hardik said loudly, slamming his bottle down on the breakfast table. But hardly anyone paid any attention.

Rohit just sighed, rubbing his forehead and Jasprit shook his head. "You have big eyes and a small brain, noticing things is what you do for a living." 

"But this is important," Hardik whined and sat across them.

Jassi and Rohit exchanged glances, knowing they had no way out of this. Jaddu and Shikhar snickered silently beside them while Jinks shook his head.

"Bata kya hai." Rohit kept his phone aside.

"Why does Mahi bhai scold Virat so much?" 

All of them frowned at the question. Ishant, who was using his phone also looked up in confusion. 

"What do you mean?" Jinks asked him. 

"No, wait, first of all, this is a question, not something you noticed." Jaddu intervened and Jinks glared at him.

"I will tell my observations later, first answer me." Hardik insisted.

Rohit scratched his neck in confusion and shrugged, "Mahi bhai scolds everyone, it's not just Virat. Where did this come from?" 

"No, I mean yes he does scold everyone but not like Virat." 

Jaddu frowned and reminded them, "Mahi bhai made me run ten laps of the ground because I was twenty minutes late."

"Exactly my point," Hardik exclaimed loudly. "Don't you remember Virat had to run thirty laps for forgetting his helmet?" 

They all nodded because this had happened just two days before and all of them had been there when Mahi bhai scolded Virat for forgetting his equipment.

"But bhai does the same for everyone, no?" Jinks asked, wondering if they had observed anything different over the years. 

"Didn't you forget your helmet yesterday? Did he also make you run thirty laps of the ground?" Hardik asked Rohit who realised with a start that Mahi bhai had just warned him not to do it again.

"And last week when we sneaked out and Rishab almost crashed the car, Mahi bhai scolded us so badly." Jassi shuddered at the reminder of Mahi bhai's anger that day.

"I had never seen him so angry at us." Jaddu agreed and Hardik's smile widened.

"Yesterday, Virat went out late without informing anyone-" Hardik reminded them about the eventful night they had and their eyes widened.

"-and bhai slapped him." Jaddu completed his sentence, finally seeing what he meant.

"I see what you mean, but Mahi bhai doesn't hate him, or hold any grudge if that's what you mean." Jinks was confused but he was also sure that Mahi bhai loved his cheeku.

Hardik nodded his head, "Of course, in fact, I think he loves Virat the most out of everyone."

"But I noticed yesterday that Virat listens to Mahi bhai the most too." He said, and everyone grew even more confused.

"Mahi bhai slapped him, but Virat still did not say a word." Hardik had been surprised to see them okay so soon after the slap.

"Virat respects bhai a lot." Ishant nodded in agreement.

"Now, when Raina bhai punished him to stay away from the gym, they fought and Virat refused directly."

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