Not an update but a rant I guess?

Virat travelled all the way from Barbados to Delhi today, met his family, met the Prime Minister, came to Mumbai with the team, attended the parade and he directly went to the airport to go back to London. 

We've all read so much about Virat moving to some small village in England or New Zealand after retirement. 

All those fanfictions we've seen about him disappearing after retiring, I realized they might be coming true.

He just retired from one format, and he mostly stays in London these days.

Maybe I'm overthinking, maybe he's just going for a vacation.

But they've been on so many vacations to London, it's literally their second home at this point. 😭😭😭😭

And I remembered someone said they met Virat in Hertfordshire(or somewhere idk) where he was buying a house and it hit me like a truck. 

Isn't that how all our stories start, lol?

First Anushka leaves, and then Kohli retires, and then he disappears after retiring?

Anyways I hope I'm overanalysing all of it, I should sleep.

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