9| Jahaan Decided to Apologise

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Tanya's phone was buzzing continuously, but she wasn't in the frame of mind to talk to anyone. Illahi kept on calling her but Tanya was walking swiftly towards her apartment.

Jahaan's words kept playing in her head when suddenly she got the eerie feeling of being followed, again. This time, it was nothing less than creepy, she was alone on that road with no one far and wide and only the street lights were lightening the way.

Tanya was terrified, she quickly took out her phone and rang up Illahi . "Hey, Illahi !" Before she could say anything else Illahi scolded her "Why haven't you been answering my calls? You broke our pact of always answering no matter the situation."

"Sorry, Illahi ! We'll discuss this later, listen to me, l am alone and the road towards our apartment is quite deserted and I feel someone's following me. Come fetch me, please ", Tanya  requested.

"Whoa! Listen to me carefully, just keep going, don't stop anywhere, and stay on the call. We're leaving right away," Illahi  assured her.

Tanya didn't stop and kept going as she was instructed. Her pace had increased and so was the pain in her feet because of the heels. "No, Tanya ! Don't stop, just keep going," she kept pushing herself. She felt someone getting closer, the adrenaline was surging but she didn't look back.

"Illahi , how long? I'm scared", said Tanya  with a weary voice.

"We're coming, we'll be there in five, keep talking to me," Illahi  assured her. As they were talking, her voice started to break.

" Illahi ! what? 5 minutes what? I can't hear hu", Tanya  tried hard to make out the unclear voice but gradually it subsided and the call got disconnected.

"Network Busy? What do I do? All this is happening because of Jahaan , if anything happens to me, I won't let him live in peace, I'll haunt him even in his dreams ", March was
scared and frustrated at the situation.

But she didn't stop, and that's when she felt someone was gushing towards her.

She didn't look back, but she paused for a few seconds to take off her troublesome heels and almost started running when unexpectedly the unfamiliar sound was very close to her.

Chills ran through her body and she almost froze. That sound kept coming closer and closer. Someone on a bicycle came and stopped in front of her. Tanya  refused to open her eyes because of fear, but when she peeped with one eye, all her color came back.

Nathan! You? You scared me", Tanya  said taking a deep breath.

"Why are you running here so late at night?" Nathan asked.

"I was going back to my apartment and I felt like someone was following me. Well, you came from that side, didn't you? Did you see anyone behind me?" Tanya  asked.

"No, there was no one, the whole path's clear of people," Nathan said.

"Oh okay! But what are you doing here at night?" Tanya  asked Nathan while wiping the sweat on her forehead.

"I... I often go out cycling at night because the roads are mostly free of people and the weather is decent too! Well, if you are going towards your apartment, then maybe I can drop you", suggested Nathan with a quivering voice.
Somehow Nathan was always nervous around Tanya .

"Really?" Tanya  said with a laugh.

"Of course, l've heard that you're quite light", said Nathan. Tanya  was on her way to sit at the back of the cycle when Jordan  and Illahi  reached there.

Just in time. Jordan  and Illahi  came out hurriedly and hugged Tanya .

" Tanya are you okay?" Jordan  enquired.

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