17 | Back In Chicago

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After spending a few pleasant days in the serene atmosphere of Ridgefield, it was time for Jahaan  and Tanya  to get back to Chicago.

Jahaan was just packing his bag when Mr. Gill  knocked on the door.

"Oh, Mr. Gill . Please come inside," Jahaan  mentioned.

"Hey Jahaan , so all packed up to go!" Mr. Gill  stated, looking at Jahaan's stuff.

"Yeah! Thank you for having me at your home. I loved it here," jahaan  smiled.

"Actually, I was here to talk to you about something..." Mr. Gill  began in a serious tone. Jahaan  was slightly taken aback by his change of voice and wondered what Mr. Gill  wanted to convey.

"You know, it was a very difficult decision for me to send Tanya  to Chicago. She is our only daughter, and sending her so far away from home was not easy for us. Initially, we wanted her to study here in a community college like her cousins, but she was determined to go out there. I was worried about how she was going to handle herself. I know she's a strong girl, but you know how naive she can be sometimes be! I am glad she has friends like you who are there in Chicago to support her. I just wanted to thank you, son, for being there with my daughter!" Mr. Gill  expressed his gratitude.

Jahaan blushed as he heard this. "Sir, Tanya  is a really bright and intelligent girl, and to be very honest, she's the one who's there for me every moment. I'm very happy to have a friend like her in my life! And you needn't worry about her safety and wellbeing. Tanya  has a great support system of friends in Chicago!" Jahaan  expressed.

Mr. Gill  patted his back and proceeded to leave.

Mrs. Gill , who was also passing by his room, looked at Jahaan  and mentioned, " Jahaan ! I have made your favorite lasagna. Make sure you have plenty of it before you leave!"

"Thanks, Mrs. Gill !" Jahaan  smiled gratefully at Mrs. Gill 's hospitality.

Meanwhile, Tanya  was also packing her clothes when suddenly her eyes fell on the dress she had worn on her
so-called date with Harry Winchester. She remembered how
Jahaan had kissed her that day and how jealous and possessive he had become of her. Tanya  blushed as she thought about all these days.

"I wish we could stay here in Ridgefield forever. We both have so many memories here!" she mumbled, placing that dress in her bag.

She went to her bookshelf and started choosing the next romance novel she wanted to take for her flight.
"I am glad that Akaay  and Akshita got to know about my relationship with Jahaan . I wish I could tell mom and dad about that too!" Tanya  murmured, putting the books in her bag. Suddenly, someone knocked at her door. It was her mother.

"Done with your packing, huh?" Mrs. Gill  asked, coming inside.

"Yes, mom!" Tanya  answered with a slight smile and sat on her bed.

"Why do you look so upset, Tanya ? Is something bothering you?" Mrs. Gill  asked in a concerned tone.

"Nothing, mom. It's just that I visited you guys after so long. And these days passed in a flash. I don't want to go to Chicago so soon. I'm gonna miss y'all!" Tanya  expressed.

"Aww, honey. Don't worry. We will be coming to visit you in Chicago!" Mrs. Gill  assured and hugged her daughter.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" Tanya  asked as she parted away from her mom's warm embrace.

"Anything!" Mrs. Gill  replied.

"Do you and dad trust my choices? I mean, do you guys trust my decisions?" Tanya  questioned.

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