Hotel Rooms

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Everyone met in Quesadilla's central park. The only ones that didn't meet there on day one was Roier and Cellbit. But Bad didn't notice, he was busy.

"I missed you so much!" Skeppy would have jumped in Bad's arms if he would let him. Instead he had to settle for shoving his face against Bad's chest.

"Come here." Bad gave him a quick kiss, because their friends were looking at them. "Gosh, you look so cute. Did you get cuter?"

"I don't think? You've seen me on video calls, Bad."

"Hm, you look cuter." Bad cupped Skeppy's cheeks. "Hey, Tina. Does he look cuter to you?"

Tina laughed giddily, holding her girlfriend's hand. "Nah. But my girlfriend got prettier."

Skeppy brushed Bad's hands away. "No way, Bad got hotter."

"I got more depressed." Étoiles said, hands on his hips.

Only Valerie laughed awkwardly, maybe because she knew more truth than the others did.

"Well then..." Tina checked her phone, or tried to. Bagi was kissing her cheek so it was hard to focus. "Has anyone spoken to Roier or Cellbit? They haven't said anything in the group chat."

"I think they say they won't come today." Mariana told her. "I was talking with them."

"Oh, okay." Tina put her phone away. "Well we should check into our rooms...I was thinking...Valerie, É you want your own room? If there's one available, I will pay for it. Rich parents, ya know? I don't think you'll want to squeeze in a crowded room, right?"

Valerie and Étoiles both turned cherry red. "Well...I don't mind sharing with others." Valerie said.

"Well..." Tina looked around. "Me Bagi and Bad and Skeppy will be in one room, then Foolish with Mariana and Charlie. So...I mean...maybe Étoiles can stay in Foolish's room and you can come stay in my room? We could make it work I guess."

Étoiles and Foolish looked at each other. Both a little jealous. Étoiles because Foolish was Valerie's first love. Foolish because he thought Valerie and Étoiles were so hot together.

"We should get our own room if we can find one." Skeppy whispered to Bad. "I'll pay for it."

Bad whined. "No, it's okay."

"Are you sure?"

Bad nodded. "Yeah." Being alone in a hotel room would imply so many things. Bad wasn't ready for any of it.

Skeppy looked down.
Is he not attracted to me?

Bad noticed the change in Skeppy's body language. He nudged him gently. "Hey, darling. I'm so glad to be with you in person."

"Me too." Skeppy smiled, lifting his head to look at Bad.

"Alright let's get our asses to the train station. Étoiles, you know more about the train stations then we do, so lead the way." Tina ordered.

"Yes master." Étoiles rolled his eyes. "Come." He led the group to the train station that would take them to their hotel.


"This is beautiful." Bagi said, twirling around the hotel room.

"You've never been here before?" Tina set their things down on the bed.

"No, I live far. Away from most of everything. I don't come to this part or the island very much." Bagi laid out on the bed closest to the window. "We will sleep here."

Summer Things {Skephalo+Subplot Ships} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now