Missing Fool

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Foolish was laying in the middle of Mariana and Charlie. Yet he felt lonely.

"Sorry that I couldn't do it." Foolish spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"It's alright, it's why we have backups." Charlie reached across Foolish and stroked Mariana's face. "Come on."

"Ay, I don't want to fuck you, puta."

Charlie rolled his eyes and crawled over Foolish. "Come here you dirty bitch."

Mariana groaned with a smile as he took Charlie in his arms. "Me? You are more the dirty bitch."

Charlie cupped Mariana's face. "Not even close. You got way more bodies."

"Mn." Mariana kissed Charlie so tenderly that Foolish started to think he had read their relationship all wrong. But then Mariana slapped Charlie on the ass and the allure was lost.

"I'm going to go shower..." Foolish sat up. He felt dirty even without doing anything. He had never felt disgusted by sex before. His partners constantly forced him to feel conflicted.

"You aren't going to watch?" Charlie pouted.

"Oh uh..."

"You don't have to watch." Mariana reminded him. "It'll be fast."

"Of course it will." Charlie huffed. "Mariana is so sensitive."

"Well..." Foolish rubbed his arm. "maybe after my shower...maybe I'd be in the mood to do it then."

"Ah~" Mariana smiled. "No pressure, hermoso."

"You guys just go ahead and have fun, if you want. Where are the towels?"

"In the closet, with the bathroom."

Foolish headed to the bathroom.


Foolish got out of the shower and opened the bathroom door while he dried his hair, to let some steam out. At this point he could hear the noises of his lovers, enjoying their relationship. He also heard a knock on the door, and knew he'd need to be the one to answer it.

"Hello?" Foolish opened the door with some hesitation. He was normally confident but he was a bit embarrassed of the noises his boyfriends were making. It sounded kind of violent. Like someone was being beaten.

"Ah! Foolish, yes?" Vegetta was at the door holding up a package. "For Mariana, I got it. An accident."

"Thanks." Foolish took the package. "He's busy, I'll give it to him."

"Ah..." Vegetta cleared his throat. "And how are you?"

"Bieno. I'm great?" Foolish leaned on the door, subconsciously flirting. "By the way your English is better than you think it is."

"Oh?" Vegetta blushed. "You think?"

"Yeah, you just gotta be confident. Don't be afraid to get it wrong."

"Okay..." Vegetta seemed a little hesitant as well. "You are busy?"

"Not really..."

"Ah..." Vegetta lacked the specific words he needed. It felt rude to just ask Foolish out. When he was at his boyfriend's house. "Mariana won't be missing you gone?"

"Oh...uh..." Foolish looked behind himself, towards the bedroom. "Nah, they wouldn't miss me."

"I'm being alone..." Vegetta stepped closer to the door. "be company for me?"

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