First Date

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The next day, the group made their way to Quesadilla's best shopping center. This is where they were meant to meet up with Roier and Cellbit.

"Oh my gosh, no." Bad pulled Skeppy back. "That's the last place you need to go."

Skeppy pouted and kept pulling Bad towards the jewelry store. "But shinies!"

"You are shiny enough."

"No!" Skeppy dragged Bad to the store's elaborate golden entrance. "The others won't even know we're gone off on our own. "

"Okay fine. But be quick." Bad could already feel the eyes of the older women staring at them.

"Hello, I'm Annie. Can I help you look at anything today?" One of the women spoke directly at Skeppy, because he was the one already wearing a gold chain.

"Yes, please ma'am." Skeppy turned the respect up on high. Jewelry ladies do not mess around. "I'm looking for something simple, for a loved one."

"Could you be more specific?" Annie did not notice when Skeppy looked at Bad.

"My girlfriend."

Then Bad realized and turned pink.

"Alright, lovely. Is it a birthday present or maybe an anniversary?"

"An anniversary." Skeppy said confidently.

Now Bad was squirming. He knew he had been with Skeppy for a year, but he didn't think people actually celebrated that kind of thing outside of movies and Facebook posts. His parents never celebrated anniversaries, and they apparently do everything the 'right way.'

Bad nudged Skeppy when the lady was looking at the stock for a suggestion. "What are you doing?"

"Getting an anniversary gift for my girlfriend?" Skeppy said innocently.

"I hope you're cheating on me then, because I can't accept a gift like this."

"Shh, don't be ridiculous." Skeppy patted his arm. "My girlfriend deserves something special."

"Skeppy I'm not–"

"How about this?" Annie tapped above a rose gold necklace with a small heart charm. It was a more expensive version of those basic heart necklaces every girl has. Tina has one from her grandfather, Valerie got one from Foolish. Everyone has seen a girl wearing something like it, usually against her will.

"Oh, no." Skeppy cringed. "That's too basic for her, do you have something a little different? Maybe in silver?"

Annie sighed and looked for something different. "How about this? Just came in, very popular style."

"I need something a bit more unique. She's not just any girl."

"Mn..." Annie looked both irritated but accepting of the challenge.

Bad stared at the shiny floor, purely surviving the moment.

Skeppy hummed. "Can I see this up close?"

"Sure." Annie moved to unlock the case.

Bad contemplated walking out but that might look suspicious to the staff so he just stood there. No one even spoke to him.

"I like it. Bad, come here. You think my girl will like this?"

Bad groaned and looked over at the necklace on the counter. "Uh– it's nice, but your girlfriend isn't really a jewelry person."


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Summer Things {Skephalo+Subplot Ships} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now