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When Bad left the room, Skeppy's mother was leaning against the wall, staring at him.

"Can I talk to you a minute?"

Bad swallowed nervously and fidgeted with his hands. "Yeah?"

"Are you dating my son?"

Bad's face burned bright red. "Y-yes ma'am."

"Don't get all nervous with me. My name is Halima. You can call me that. So, you are dating my son?"

Bad nodded quickly, not saying anything.

"This is a lot of news..." Halima fanned her face with her hand. "Excuse me, I'm just having a difficult time coping. With all of this."

"I understand..." Bad tried not to cry from the embarrassment.

"How long?"


"How long have you been dating? I thought he was straight, never would have seen this coming."

"I'm sorry Halima, it's been a year."

Halima's eyes widened. "I thought he would trust me enough to tell me."

"He does, I'm sure. I just have parents that...don't understand. So he's been keeping it a secret for my safety."

"Hm..." Halima sighed. "I'd like to get to know you more, in better circumstances."

"Yeah.. " Bad shifted awkwardly on his feet. "I want to get a hotel in the city, for a week. So I can visit him. Would that be okay?"

Halima considered it and nodded without saying anything. It was hard to fathom that her son had a boyfriend. Let alone this boyfriend was serious enough to visit him in the hospital.

"I know it's hard to process, with what's going on..." Bad cleared his throat. "I hope I have your permission to date your son, because he's very special to me."

Halima gave a wary smile. "I think it'll be just fine, honey. What's your name?"

"Uh..." Bad hesitated. " parents don't have a sense of humor, they just knew they'd hate me."

Halima gave him a doubtful look. "Really?"

"Yeah, it's really my name." Bad felt like he was losing her fondness. "But I've been told it doesn't suit me."

"I sure hope so." Halima started walking to the door. "He'll be here for two days, then he's being transferred. If you give me your phone number, I can update you."

"Thank you." Bad felt even more relief. "His things are still in our hotel. Will you be taking that?"

"Yes, I will."

"Okay, I'll text you the address for the hotel and you can come get it. Today will be our last day with the room. The trip is cancelled, obviously."

"I'll come get it today...just give me a second, I left my phone in here." She went back into the room.

The nurse came back down the hall. "oh, you're out before I even got back. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just felt myself getting emotional and I didn't want to stress him out."

"That's thoughtful. I know it's hard but just focus on one day at a time."


It was hard to focus on one day at a time because everything seemed to move so fast after the initial shock. Before Bad knew it, they were in a car going  to their new hotel.

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