Draw Me A Flower

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Bad and Skeppy ended up on the same shopping strand, but at the opposite end. And instead of flowers, it was a tattoo parlor.

"I've always been interested in getting a tattoo." Skeppy hummed, looking into the window.

Bad shivered. "No thank you, too needle-ly."

"Well good thing you can't feel my pain." Skeppy gave him an amused look. "Maybe I should get one before going home."

"Oh my gosh. You can't just get a tattoo. It should be something meaningful. You have to think about it. And what if your parents disown you?"

"My parents have tattoos. Why's it got to be meaningful?"

"Because it's not going to come off, unless you want to do months of laser treatment."

"Well it will be meaningful."

"What would you get then?"

"Hm..." Skeppy gave it a moment's thought. "A cabin."

Bad blinked, trying to decide if Skeppy was serious. "A cabin? Really? That's not meaningful at all!"

"Yes it is!" Skeppy gasped. "Bad, we met for the first time in a cabin."

Bad clicked his tongue. "That's not meaningful, not enough to get a tattoo. Tattoos are meaningful when they are memorials or something."

Skeppy rolled his eyes. "Well that time has passed. It's a memorial to our first memory that we'll never get to experience again."

Bad's eyes widened. "Have you been reading more?"

"No, just fell in love with a reader~" Skeppy teased with his tongue out. "Come on, wouldn't I look good with a tattoo?"

"Well you'll always look good to me. I just don't want you to regret anything..."

"I won't and even if I do, that's life."

Bad heard scripture seeping into his brain. He'd have to be on board now, or risk falling into the cycle. "You know what, you're right...just please take your time to come up with a design you'll enjoy and won't get tired of."

"I'll think about it. I'll try to get an appointment for the last day of the trip." Skeppy took out his phone and wrote down the number on the building. "You'll come with me, right? Emotional support?"

"Oh..." Bad cringed. "Darling, I want to but I might be a bit of a burden. Needles freak me out. I'm sure someone else would go with you though."

"You don't have to look."

Bad considered it. "Well...I'll think about it."


Mariana and Charlie had begun arguing soon after they finished their activities. Which struck Foolish as a bit strange. He's heard of make up sex. But they seemed to use it as a pre-argument exercise.

They got so distracted in their argument that Mariana failed to mention that Vegetta was stopping by the hotel to meet Foolish.

The knock startled Foolish and at first he hoped it would breakup the argument, but it didn't.

Foolish had to go to the door himself, still sore when he walked.

"Hello?" Foolish opened the door, letting the screams fill the hall.

Vegetta's eyes widened at the violent tone coming from the room. "Uh...bad time?"

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