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TW// mentions of physical/verbal abuse.

They were fine a couple hours later. Skeppy was bundled up in his favorite blanket, and Bad had his own blanket. They weren't watching a movie, they were just watching each other.

"You have really pretty eyes." Bad yawned. "That's cliche, but you do. They are so cute."

Skeppy rubbed his eyes. "Everything about you is pretty."

"Thank you..." Bad sighed as he accepted the compliment. "You really should go to sleep. Sleep deprivation is not good for the heart."

Skeppy yawned and moved a little closer to Bad. "Do you mind if I put ambience on the TV? It would help me."

"Oh, of course. I don't mind." Bad reached over and touched Skeppy's cheek. He felt sorry for the breakdown he had earlier. "I just want my darling to get some sleep."

"Fine, I'll sleep..." Skeppy chose an ambience video that had the prettiest background. As the rain filled the room, he inched closer to Bad. "I understand that you need space. But if you do want to cuddle at any point, just suffocate me in your arms. Please."

"Oh my gosh." Bad put a loose arm over Skeppy's side. "Why do you express affection like that?"

"Like what?"

"The suffocating and the wanting to be a worm so you can crawl into my mouth."

"Don't know..." Skeppy cuddled into Bad's chest. "Sometimes I want to bite you. It must be like cute aggression. You're so cute, I just wanna–" Skeppy headbutted Bad's chest lightly. "I wanna beat you up. You're so perfect."

"Perfect?" Bad raised a question. "I don't think beating people you love is uh...healthy."

Skeppy whined. "Noo. Not like BEAT you up. I just wanna chew on your face and squeeze you so hard until you can't breathe."

"You are SO weird." Bad couldn't help but laugh. "That's crazy."

Skeppy giggled, he was playing. "You don't love me if you don't wanna bruise me a little when we cuddle."

"Gonna slap a hand over your mouth soon." Bad teased. "Stop yapping and go to bed. You're tired and it's making you weird."

"Mmm..." Skeppy tucked his hands away against his chest. "If I fall asleep, it'll be tomorrow. Then you'll have to go home."

"Yeah, but we won't be apart forever." Bad re-promised. "I promise one day we'll be together all the time."

"Can I move in with you?" Skeppy asked once more. "When you go to study medicine, take me with you. My mom said I can if I get a job."


"I'll have a job and we can live together." Skeppy nuzzled him. "We can grocery shop and have movie nights every night, and we can have our own little rooms."

"I would like that...but you'd still need to pretend to be a student around my parents."

Skeppy grinned sleepily. "I'm studying law, that's gonna be my thing."

"Skeppy I love you but you will not pass for a law student."

"Why not?!" Skeppy pouted.

"Too happy. Law students are all depressed in my mind."

"So are med students."

"True." Bad hummed.

"I'm gonna keep you happy." Skeppy closed his eyes and tucked his head next to Bad's. "You're going to be the first person to graduate med school, happy."

Summer Things {Skephalo+Subplot Ships} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now