Eyeliner Boys

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"Oh my gosh, don't poke his eye out!" Bad watched over Valerie's shoulder.

"He's fine." Valerie continued to line the top of Skeppy's eyelid. "You like emo music, you'll be into this. Just wait."

"Starset is not emo music." Bad protested.

"Mn, sure." Valerie hummed. "You look so good, Skeppy."

"Thank you." Skeppy kept flinching at the little tickles the applicator was giving him.

Meanwhile Tina and Bagi were wrapped up in a blanket together, watching a movie on Bagi's laptop. "I missed that subtitle, what did she say?"

"She told the woman that she's looking for a black dress for her mother's funeral."

"Aw." Tina pulled her sleeves over her hands and nestled into Bagi's arms. Cozy with her girlfriend in paradise, Tina couldn't have dreamed of a better circumstance.

Étoiles came in through the door with no warning or knocking. They didn't even hear his feet. Everyone jumped and Valerie got eyeliner where it wasn't meant to be. On Skeppy's nose.

"Shit." Valerie tried to fix the mistake with her finger. "Bad get me a tissue or something."

Bad got a tissue and handed it over to her.

"What do you want?" Valerie looked up at Étoiles. Only annoyed because he scared her.

"Can I see you a moment?"

"Yes." Valerie gave Bad back the tissue. "Clean him up."

Étoiles held the door open and let Valerie out.

"Come here, poor thing." Bad tried to wipe the smudge off with the tissue. "Gosh, is it paint? It won't budge."

"Oh no, now I have a striped nose." Skeppy whined.

"I think I saw some makeup wipes in the bathroom, come here."  Bad relocated to the bathroom with Skeppy.

Bad opened the wipe and started rubbing at the smudge again. "That's better..."

"It smells weird." Skeppy scrunched up his nose.

"Stop smelling it then."

"It's on my nose!"

"It's off, there." Bad gave a couple reassuring pats with the wipe. "Beautiful."

Skeppy turned around and looked in the mirror for the first time. "Oh my gosh!"

Bad grinned.
Did he just say my thing?

"Do you like it?" Skeppy turned to look at him again.

"Do you like it?"

Skeppy looked back in the mirror. "It makes me look more mysterious and mean than I am."

"Maybe a little bit." Bad put his hands on Skeppy's waist. "Valerie was right. I think I like it...but doesn't it make you feel girly?"

Skeppy shrugged. "Not really? I'm still a guy."

"Okay." Bad rested his chin on Skeppy's shoulder.

"You should try it."


"Please! You would look so good, I want to see it!"

"No, Skeppy! It doesn't wash off easily."

"It will come off though, please? We will be matching."

"Skeppy, no. I'm not putting on makeup."

Skeppy pouted. "Lil' bit?"


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