The New Beginning

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"We've got to leave now if you want to make it to your flight." Halima told Skeppy while fixing the strings on his hoodie as if he had to look perfect for his new life.

"I know, I just need to check my room again."

"It'll be there when you come back." Halima was bitter, pulling her son in for a hug. "And you will be back to visit, right?"

"Yes, Mama." Skeppy hugged her back.

"And you'll bring your boyfriend?"

"Of course. After this, he's never getting rid of me." Skeppy couldn't wait to spend a year living with Bad. Assuming things went well, he might never stop living with him.

Skeppy pulled away from the hug. "I think I left my phone in my room." He headed back down the halls and started feeling a little homesick. He wouldn't see these halls again for a little while. He wouldn't see his faded family photos for awhile. But, he would get to see and experience new things.

"I thought you left." Lya had her room door open as she lay on her bed, on her phone.

Skeppy stopped by the door and turned, poking his head in. "Just need to get my phone..."
Why doesn't she care? What did I do to her?

"Oh..." Lya sat up and looked at his shoes but not him.

" you'll have the house to yourself for awhile." Skeppy tried not to be upset but it was hard when your sister randomly decided one day to hate you.

"Might be lonely." Lya shrugged.

"Lonely? We never hang out."

"But you're still usually in the house..."

Skeppy furrowed his brows. "You didn't miss me when I was on Quesadilla for vacation."

"How do you know I didn't?"

"You didn't tell me."

Lya looked back at her phone again. "I missed you."

"Lya, you didn't even come see me in the hospital."

She put her phone down and huffed. "You want to know something?"

"What? I don't have all day. I have to go."

"I'm scared."

Everything fell quiet between them. Skeppy raised one shoulder and shook his head. "What are you talking about?"

Lya picked at the skin around her fingernails. "You're so clueless."

Skeppy moved to leave.

"You don't understand." Lya made him stay.

"What are you yapping about?"

"Skeppy, you're dying. And you go on acting like everything's okay and you're not sick. I'm scared, that's why I avoid you. I'm afraid if I sneeze too loud I might give you a heart attack."

"That is ridiculous." Skeppy laughed with an attitude. "That's a weird ass excuse for ignoring me."

"I know...but it's true. It's hard to be around you. Because I don't want to be around when you die. I don't want to see it happen..."

"Is that why you didn't come to the hospital?"

"Yes. I was afraid maybe you'd die...maybe we'd be in the room when it happened..." Lya let out a wet sigh and covered her face. "I'm sorry for avoiding you. I don't want you to die."

Skeppy walked over and sat on the bed with her. " that I know, we can work it out."

"You're moving."

Summer Things {Skephalo+Subplot Ships} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now