A Night At His House

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By some miracle, Skeppy was being released from the hospital a day before Bad had to go home. So, Bad got to see Skeppy recover. He also got to see what Skeppy's house looks like.

"I'm not disabled now, relax." Skeppy grumbled as Bad took his bag.

"Oh shush, I'll carry this to the car for you. You have to take it easy, please."

"Yes, listen to him." Halima nudged her son as they walked out of the room.

"Mn, when did you become friends with my mom?" Skeppy groaned.

"While you were being a sick little muffin, on bed rest."

"Oh shush." Skeppy took Bad's hand and leaned on his shoulder. "Mom, do you like him more than you like me?"

"Right now, yes." Halima teased, putting her hand on Skeppy's head. He was nearly the same height as her, while Bad was just a little taller than the both of them. "He's tall, he'll be able to reach things in the cabinets while dad is away."

"Does that mean we can keep him forever?"

"Hey, only one night." Bad reminded him. "Tomorrow I have to head home...speaking of, remind me to text Tina and make sure she got home safe."

"We can still kidnap him." Halima whispered.

"No, you can't!" Bad giggled. "But I'm kidnapping Skeppy when I leave."

"Take him, you make him grilled cheese sandwiches from now on."

Bad laughed. "Grilled cheese?"

"You would be surprised...when he's home, he eats like a raccoon in a dumpster. Pizza, grilled cheese, all that gross stuff."


"Skeppy!" Bad stared wide-eyed. "You have to eat better, oh my gosh."

"I do, she's being dramatic. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and meat. I just need to live too. Sometimes I want a grilled cheese and some Kool-Aid."

"That's right, baby. You need a balance." His mother ran a hand through his hair. "But you need to eat very healthy for the next few weeks."

"I want a grilled cheese." Skeppy sighed.

"I'll make you the best grilled cheese ever, after you've build up some stronger immunity." His mom promised.


Bad put Skeppy's bag in the trunk, next to his own things that were already there. He was starting to get really nervous. He didn't know why he even agreed to spend the night, he knew he'd be very uneasy the whole time.

"I'll sit in the back with you." Skeppy opened the door and let Bad slip into the car. Then he got in beside him. He was really excited that Bad was spending the night at his house. When Bad was gone, Skeppy would still be able to feel his presence in his bedroom. He may even not wash his sheets for a week, just to enjoy the smell of Bad after he was gone home.

"Now." Halima started the car. "Now that you two can't run away, let's establish the big rule." She pulled out of the parking lot carefully. "I'm willing to let you share a room. But you have to keep the door open and promise me you'll keep your hands to yourself."

"Mama, stop. We won't do that. You can trust us. We spent a summer together and nothing happened then." Skeppy seemed to have a healthy relationship with his mother, he only blushed a little.

Halima rolled her eyes and scoffed. "I trust you, but you know I'm your mother. I have to worry about this stuff."

"We'll be good." Skeppy poked Bad's side. "Bad is really responsible so you can at least trust him to behave and keep me in line."

Summer Things {Skephalo+Subplot Ships} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now