A Future

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The next time Bad got to see Skeppy, things were better. It was less heavy and sad and more optimistic.

"My little sweetie~" Bad cooed, poking Skeppy's cheek.

"Fuck off." Skeppy laughed sleepily.

"Language." Bad poked his cheek again,  lightly.

"Mn, did you come to harass me?" Skeppy mumbled.

"No, darling. Just reminding you that you can't get rid of me."

Skeppy have a short huffy whine and let his head fall to one side. "I wanna go home."

Bad touched his hand lovingly. "I know. Just keep resting and doing what they tell you. You'll get to go home soon."

Skeppy grabbed Bad's hand and smiled sadly. "Thanks for being here with me."

"Of course." Bad rubbed the top of Skeppy's hand. "You had a stroke in my arms, you think I could just go home after that?"

"Mn, if it was a stroke I wouldn't be talking to you."

"Sorry, you had a mini stroke... because you're so short."

Skeppy stared at Bad with a straight face. "You think you're so funny..."

Bad laughed quietly to not disturb nearby patients. "I'm sorry, S'gebby." Bad apologized with a kiss on the hand. "you're really pretty, even though You're sick, you know?"

Skeppy was very sick looking. He didn't look good, in the medical sense. But that didn't mean Bad didn't still adore every part of his boyfriend.

"Get used to this look." Skeppy said sarcastically. "I'll look miserable and sick for the rest of my life."

Bad hummed and squeezed his hand. "That's okay, I don't mind if you're sick. As long as you love me."

"You gonna support me for the rest of my sick miserable life?" Skeppy asked, bitterly.

"Duh, Skeppy. What do you think I'm gonna use the medical degree for?" Bad moved his hand from Skeppy's and touched his tender face instead. "I'll take care of you."

Skeppy suddenly felt a bit more optimistic. "I'll be your little stay at home boyfriend."

Bad suddenly felt a lot more excited for the future. He imagined a future where he could come home to Skeppy. He wanted to do boring domestic things with him. He wanted to do dishes and grocery shopping. He wanted it all. "One day I hope we can live together."

"Could be soon..." Skeppy gave him a plotting grin.

"Why? Do you have a scheme?"

Skeppy adjusted himself in the bed, getting in a slightly more comfortable position. "I know you'll want to say no...but what if I come stay with you when you go to college? My parents can help pay the rent for an apartment, just the two of us."

Bad liked the idea at first then his mind was flooded with all the flaws. "My parents will want to visit...you'd have to pretend to just be my roommate."

Skeppy winked. "I gotcha. Our people have been doing the roommate thing for centuries."

"I don't know...your parents might not agree. It might be different if you were studying too. But do you really think they will pay for you to live in my apartment just to be a 'stay at home boyfriend'?"

"I don't know...my mom might agree if she sees how amazing you are."

"That's sweet, Skeppy. But I'm not sure if that's a probable plan."

"If my parents did agree...would you let me?" Skeppy puffed out his bottom lip.

"That's not fair. You're in a hospital bed, I can't say no to you."

Summer Things {Skephalo+Subplot Ships} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now