The Aquarium

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"Oh my God! It look just like you Tina!" Étoiles grabbed her shoulder and pointed to a plump blow fish. "Is that your dad?"

Tina had heard the same joke three times already. "Étoiles. Fuck off."

Valerie snickered and pointed to a sign. "Étoiles, I found your species."

Étoiles looked over at the sign on the tank.

The Lumpsucker
{Cyclopterus lumpus}


Tina laughed at him. "Lumpsucker. That is you."

"What?!" Roier overheard the conversation. "Lumps? What?"

"Étoiles is a Lumpsucker!" Tina repeated.

"Me too!" Roier said sarcastically.

"Who's lumps are you sucking my bro?" Étoiles humored the joke.

"My fiancé's, obviously."

Cellbit made a face. "Ew! Stay away from my lumps."

"Bad, would you suck my lumps?" Skeppy chimed in.


The group imploded with laughter.


The couples split up, having their own little adventures in the aquarium. Bad and Skeppy had occupied themselves with an octopus named Salvador.

"I wish I was an octopus." Skeppy watched the octopus' tentacles move slowly as it rested on a rock.

"Why's that?" Bad was busy watching the bubbles forming from the big water filter.

"Would be convenient to have all those arms. And I can just blind anyone that hurts me with ink."

"That would be nice." Bad looked at the octopus. It seemed to look back at him. "You know, they used to be known as a symbol of intelligence. I think you're already a lot like an octopus."

"What?" Skeppy disagreed, "That's not me. You're the smart one that's going to study medicine."

"No, you're so smart Skeppy." Bad nudged his shoulder. He wanted to be more touchy but there were kids around so affection wasn't really appropriate. "You don't have to be a doctor or even a college graduate to be smart. Everyone is intelligent in different ways."

"Hm." Skeppy hummed. "In what ways am I intelligent?"

"I think you're very emotionally intelligent."

"You think I'm emotional?"

"No, I think you're good at understanding emotions. You've been very patient with me. Even when I was really stubborn and embarrassed to love you in public."

"It's okay, baby. I was a bit stubborn too, trying to act all straight even though I knew deep down I was curious about guys...I just can't believe I skipped the bi-curious phase and found myself a husband."

"Oh my Gosh– don't start talking about marriage. Too soon."
Marriage is pointless if it's not for God.
Stop thinking like that.

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