If You Died

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Bad thought it was quite peaceful. Once his mind went quiet. He could hear whispering, it sounded like Roier and Cellbit. Their bedroom must've been right next door. He couldn't understand what they were saying, but the voices were relaxing.

Skeppy shifted around, disturbing Bad's peace. He hummed and groaned.

"You okay?" Bad turned around, realizing how odd it was that they weren't cuddling. He almost worried that Skeppy was upset.

Skeppy nudged his way into Bad's arms. "My chest feels tight."

"You gonna be okay?"

"It happens." Skeppy whined and tucked his chin over Bad's shoulder.

Bad held Skeppy close, the way he liked, almost squishing him to death. "Just relax, and let me know if it gets worse."

"I'll be okay." Skeppy let out a tiny yawn. "Don't let me go, m'kay?"

"I won't just try to go to sleep. You need some rest."


Bad rested one of his hands on the back of Skeppy's head and put the other one in the middle of his back. "I got you darling, go to sleep."


Roier usually went to bed quickly after drinking. He never got sick and he would wake in the morning with a mild headache. But tonight, Roier pretended to be sick. To give Cellbit a project to focus on.

"Mmm, Duele." {It hurts.}

"What did you drink, Cariño?" {Sweetheart.}

Roier took a deep breath in then huffed out a whiny moan.

"Okay, shhh. I know it hurts. But they will think we're having sex if you keep making that noise."

Roier rolled onto his back and put his hands over his stomach. "My love, I need you to stay with me and kiss me all night." A scheme to keep Cellbit from thinking about Charlie and his nasty attitude.

"You need to go to sleep, Roier. You're going to be in more pain if you don't." Cellbit kissed his forehead and pulled the blanket over him. "Rest, Mi estrella." {My star.}

"No, no. Eres mi estrella." {You're my star.} Roier kissed him. "I love you forever baby, even when your light burns out."

Cellbit smiled instead of cringing, admiring his future husband. "I will love you forever, even though I know you will have to leave me one day."

"Only when I die, gatinho." Roier reassured him.

"I will love you when you die too. And you will come be my ghost, okay?"

"Oh my bebé, no." Roier laughed with his breath soft and quiet. "When I die, you need to be with someone new."

"New?" Cellbit sounded offended. "If I die first, will you replace me?"

Roier couldn't believe he just walked into that trap. Maybe he was more intoxicated than he knew. "Well es difficult. If I am still young and have many years to have...you want me to find someone so I'm not lonely, right?"

Cellbit's nose scrunched in disapproval. "No...Roier I want to be with you as a ghost."

"But a ghost...I won't see you."

"you'll feel me. I'll give you signs."

"Sign, what sign?" Roier sighed.

"If I die first, I'll tap on our bedroom door three times. So you know it's me."

"Ay..." Roier decided not to choose this battle. "okay, my love. I will wait for you ghost to come. But if I die and you do want to have a new partner, es okay. I would still wait on the other side, okay?"

Cellbit let his face drop like he was about to cry but he couldn't actually produce any tears. He was both numb and heartbroken. "Okay...but if you want, you can find someone new."

"I don't want new."

Cellbit tried to believe it. "I know we talk a lot about this in therapy but...I need some reassurance...You're not just still with me because what happen at camp?"

Roier shook his head. Even though he knew the incident would haunt him if he tried to leave, he wanted Cellbit. "I love you."

"I don't want you to feel like my hostage." Cellbit stated firmly. "If you want to go, you can...I won't do anything."

"No." Roier said seriously, pulling Cellbit into a slightly uncomfortable embrace. "I want you, bebé. Thank you for saying, but I want. So much, to be with you."

Cellbit was able to relax after Roier reassured him. "Thank you for loving me. I know it isn't easy."

"Easy for me, guapo."


"I feel terrible." Bagi sat on the edge of the bed, resisting the urge to pull her hair out. "I'm ruining the holiday. I just...can't help it."

Tina was admittedly a little annoyed at this point. "I understand there's a lot of family tension going on, but...I mean...angel, what's the problem? He's happy, so what. Just let whatever happens, happen."

Bagi shook her head. "I have seen a lot of Cellbit's meltdowns. I know it can get worse and camp proved how bad it can be. I'm worried about his partner. Part of me loves my brother, of course...but I feel awful letting him hurt people because he is miserable."

"Bagi, you don't have to save anyone. Roier seems to be able to handle it. I think...I think you just need to let go and let Cellbit be happy."

Bagi stood up and locked herself in the bathroom with a bitter slam.

Tina's eyes widened. She hadn't fought with a girl before, she wasn't the fighting type. But she always assumed she'd never gave a fight with a girl, because girls should understand girls.

"Bagi, are you okay?" Tina pressed  her hands against the door.

"Yes, just...give me a minute." Bagi didn't sound sad, just angry.

"Okay...I'm going to watch some TV and get into bed." Tina kissed the palm of her hand and placed the kiss on the door.
Please, I can't fight with her. I love her so much she's too perfect for this. I never want another partner in my life. Not even if she died young.


Tina did eventually get to sleep when Bagi crawled into bed. They cuddled and everything was okay between them it seemed.

Until they woke to Tina's phone ringing.

"Who is that?" Bagi complained, rubbing her eyes that she could barely open.

"It's Bad." Tina said with the worry already festering in her core. She answered, hoping no one fell down the steps drunk or something like that. "Hello– What? I have no idea what you said."

There was a second of peace before the whole world seemed to explode.

Tina put her phone down because it was the only way she could stop herself from fear-crying. "Skeppy's not feeling well, they are calling an ambulance..."

"What?! What happen?"

Tina put the phone back up her ear. "I'm still here... we'll meet you there. It'll be alright, just don't panic."
Leave the panic to me.

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