Moving Plans

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That night Bad called Skeppy to talk to him, to make up for the abrupt phonecall earlier.

"So, you aren't mad at me?" Skeppy asked for the tenth time.

"No, I'm not mad. Was just paranoid someone would hear me...I've been away for two weeks I have to readjust to...not feeling quite safe."

"Bad..." Skeppy groaned. "You should be able to feel safe in your home."

"I know, but it's just life Skeppy."

"No, it's abuse."

Bad didn't like that word. "I'll be on Quesadilla soon, it's okay."

Skeppy decided it was best to let it go for now. "So, am I coming with you to Quesadilla?"

"Honestly I would absolutely love it if you came to Quesadilla with me. I need to start looking for a place to stay mom might get a little suspicious when I say I'm looking for a two bedroom but I'll tell her I want to practice preaching or something."

"I love you but if you started talking to me about God all the time –" Skeppy paused. While Bad seemed to have conflicts with his religion, he had no idea if Bad did believe in God or not. He always assumed he had no choice but to pretend. " you like... actually believe in God? It's okay either way. I just want to know."

"It's hard to say." Bad spoke quickly, his thoughts had been ready for awhile. "I want to, so much. The idea of God is comforting. But when I reach out for his help, he never seems to listen..."

"What...kinds of things do you ask him for?"

Bad sighed. "Well I've asked him to help me find a way out of this house."

"Maybe he helped you get accepted to Quesadilla?"

Bad blinked slowly as a warmness filled his chest. "Maybe, I used to ask him to make my life easier. It's been hell."

"Well I'm right here."


"I can't make it perfect but I promise if you let me, I'll make it easier." Skeppy said it softly so it wasn't taken as a demand. "All you gotta do is let me move in with you."

Bad felt alive, for once. "You really are something, aren't you?" For the first time Bad saw his relationship as a blessing and not a curse. "I will call you tomorrow after I find a place, okay?"


"A book?" Roier said, half asleep in the lush bedding.

"Yes, a book."

"I think you would be a good author, my love." Roier yawned. "What would you write about?"

"Monsters and creatures..."

"Hm?" Roier smiled. "That's my bebé, you are so creepy. I love you~"

"Maybe they wouldn't be creepy. Maybe in my book, the creatures are the heros."


"Some of them maybe evil...but some will be heros."

"I support you, Gatinho."

"And in the story, we'll have children."

Roier's eyes flicked open. "We will be in the story...with children?"

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