Something Suspicious

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TW// Religious Trauma

"Is it too late to keep you?" Skeppy was attached to Bad's side.

Bad hugged him back with just as much attachment. "I've got to go home, but I will call you as soon as I'm back. I will see you again soon."

Skeppy looked back towards his mother. "Look away..."

Halima put her hands on her hips and turned towards the car. "You better just be kissing him."

"Obviously?" Skeppy pushed Bad's head down and kissed him quickly before his mom turned back around. "You better call me. I'm going to get lonely and sad and probably have another stroke."

"Hey! Don't do that!" Bad scolded Skeppy for the guilt tripping. "You will be fine and I will see you again. Maybe even when I move to Quesadilla for school."

Skeppy's face lit up."We'll talk about it when you get home, okay?"

"Yes, we'll talk about it." Bad squeezed Skeppy and took in his lemony scent one last time. "You keep taking care of yourself. I really do have to go now...I will call you but it might be late because I have to call Foolish later too."

"Call me first." Skeppy insisted.

Bad hadn't told Skeppy about Foolish and what he was going through. "Of course... alright, I'll see you."

Skeppy let go, knowing it was only temporary. "Okay, I'll be waiting for your call."


"I know you're probably tired from your trip, but you should go do something productive now. Two weeks of paradise is good, but it can allow the devil to make you lazy." Bad's mother pulled off her shoes and slipped into her apron to make dinner.

"Yes, you're right." Bad agreed, a fake look of faith on his face. "The Lord is telling me to go to my room and read his word." While lying, Bad recalled his 'paradise' which was just full of mediocre fun. The only thing he really enjoyed was being with Skeppy, up until the mini stroke. Most of his vacation was spent worrying if his boyfriend would live to become his husband.

"Good. Good. I'll call you for dinner but if you want to continue your Bible study, just go ahead. I'll put dinner in the microwave for later."

"God bless microwaves." Bad said sarcastically as he walked up the stairs. His mom did not catch his sarcasm.

Bad sat down at his desk and opened the Bible that was waiting there. Then he pulled out of his phone and called Skeppy first, even though he really worried about Foolish.

"Bad!" Skeppy gasped. "I miss you!"

"Oh my gosh, it hasn't been that long."

"But I know it's gonna be a long time, so I miss you in advance."

"You know what...I miss you too." Bad whispered so quietly that he didn't know if Skeppy heard him. "I'm ...doing my Bible study." He said louder, In case someone was listening.

"Oh..." Skeppy didn't know how to respond. "Do you have time to talk?"

"Not really, just wanted to say I'm home and safe...or, home and not in immediate danger."

"Can you call me later then?"

"Of course, I'll call you later." Bad looked at the highlighted pages of his Bible, suddenly he felt like he was already burning in hell. But it was the world that made him feel like that. In reality his God was watching him, nodding and taking notes on things he was wrong about. Only humans believed God when he said he made no mistakes. God knew, he had made mistakes. And he claimed them with mercy and he fixed them.

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