Chapter 18

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***Trigger warning: Nonexplcit Mature content***

"Hmm," I let out a faint hum, my eyelids slowly fluttering open despite my reluctance. My face lay nestled between the firm contours of Parsa's chest, my nose gently nuzzling his skin. With a subtle movement, I arched my neck back to create some distance, only to realize that Parsa's left hand had already snaked around my waist, holding me still.

His other hand was positioned underneath my top, his palm in direct contact with the bare skin of my back. His right leg secured my lower body, trapping me in his tight hold.

I'm stuck!

As I was still reeling from the realization that something heavy was weighing on us, I discovered that Parmis had stretched herself across both of us, her small form draped over us like a blanket. Attempting to free myself from the tangled mess, I wriggled cautiously, trying to figure out how to disengage without causing further entanglement. However, in doing so, I became acutely aware of something that I should not have felt. I paused in disbelief as I became vividly aware of the unexpected sensation – Parsa's manhood was rubbing against mine. My heart pounded, a rush of emotions flooding through me.

My throat tightened as I felt my muscles stiffen in shock, my breath growing heavier with each subtle movement emanating from Parsa. In the depths of his deep sleep, he remained unaware of the chaos erupting within me. Nervously biting my lower lip, I remained frozen, not knowing what to do. My mind swirled with trepidation as I attempted to escape his grasp, but every move only intensified the sensation of our lower bodies grazing each other. Don't move, Ryan... My inner self warned me. It's getting dangerous...

My heart raced furiously within my chest, its erratic beat echoing in my ears as I found myself trapped in this compromising position. Desperately begging for a release from the growing tension, I inwardly cried, Don't do this to me...

On the brink of reaching my breaking point, Parmis shifted onto her side, causing our bodies to press even more intimately against each other. An involuntary moan escaped my lips, a mixture of surprise and arousal coursing through me, causing me to flinch in response. "Ah!"

I attempted to stifle the sound that escaped me, but it was too late. Parsa's eyes opened, immediately locking onto mine. An intense blush crept across my face, leaving me frozen in place, utterly unable to react.

For a moment, Parsa regarded me silently, his expression giving away his confusion about the situation at hand. His gaze then shifted downwards, his composed demeanour replaced by a clear understanding of the arousal he had just witnessed.

In a state of sheer embarrassment and disbelief, I fervently wished the ground would open up and swallow me entirely.

Parsa raised his head slightly, casting a glance towards Parmis, who remained blissfully unaware and soundly asleep. He then moved his right hand, gently extracting it from the confines of my top and Parmis' body. With his right hand now free, Parsa carefully manoeuvred it to gently pull Parmis closer to him.
He then slid his left hand away smoothly as he retreated to a safer distance. His calm and composed movements made me even more embarrassed. He looked me in the eye and spoke softly, in a low, husky tone, "You can use the bathroom first."

Unable to summon a response, I swiftly rolled away from the bed and hurried towards the bathroom, fleeing the scene as discreetly as possible. As I dashed out of the room, I could feel my heart racing within my chest; its beats thundered like a storm at sea.

I closed the bathroom door and slid down against it.

How can I face him from now on?...


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