Screwing Up

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"hey, me and Tina are going to go out for something." Bagi said vaguely, getting her purse.

"Yeah, we'll be back quick though." Tina had a blush that more or less gave away what they might be going to do.

The girls left quickly, leaving the boys alone. Valerie had left off with Étoiles about thirty minutes ago.

"Well then..." Bad yawned and stretched out on the bed. "We have the room to ourselves for a bit. Want to get cozy and read together?"

Skeppy smiled patiently but a little desperately. There was something he would rather do with Bad. The same thing he figured at least one of the other couples were doing.

"Let me get ready for bed." Skeppy kissed Bad on the cheek.


Skeppy came back clean and moisturized, in an oversized sweater. Bad found the bed habits feminine, but tried not to mention it out loud. One way or another he had to overcome the internalized hatred. He instead focused on how cute and comfortable Skeppy looked.

"You look amazing." Bad said out loud, reminding the thoughts in his head that they weren't in control anymore.

"Calm down babe, it's just a sweater." Skeppy chuckled and flopped onto the bed. "You look good too though. So cute." Skeppy scooted over and laid his head on his pillow. "Reading then?"

"If you want to?"

Skeppy smiled. "Can you read out loud to me?"

"Okay, darling. Just a little, it strains the voice." Bad got his book off the bedside table. "You won't have context though."

"I just want to hear your voice, it's so comforting to me."

Bad smiled fondly and opened the book. "Alright S'kebby, chapter ten. The Pageant Of Fireflies." Bad yawned and got cuddled up with Skeppy. "Spring merged slowly into the long, hot, sun-sharp days of Summer..." {Excerpt from: "My family and other animals" by Gerald Durrell. Currently reading this and I'm kind of loving it. Recommend if you like slightly older books (it was written in the 1950's.)}


"What's a bumtrinket?" Skeppy asked after about an hour of reading.

"Uh..." Bad laughed. "I'm not sure. Probably a made up word."

"No because Gerry's mom got embarrassed when he named his boat bumtrinket."

"I don't know. It's probably something naughty." Bad closed the book and stretched his arms. "I'm so tired. I think I'm ready to go to bed now, how about you?"

Skeppy stretched out as well. "I guess..."

A heavy yet shy knock pounded on the door.

"Did they lock themselves out?" Skeppy sat up with Bad.

Bad opened the door, not expecting to see a very disheveled Charlie. His glasses were loose on his nose and his shirt was half tucked into his pants.

"We have a bit of a... situation." Charlie cleared his throat. .

"What happened?" Skeppy asked from behind Bad.

Summer Things {Skephalo+Subplot Ships} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now