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I am at the principal's office room to carry out the order Veer gave me  -to defame Vivaan Singania. I have no other option but to save my friend. If I have I will kill that bastard Veer. But I can't risk Ishara’s life.

Knock …knock…

I heard the sharp sound of a knock on the door. I know it's veer and it made my heart beat like a thud. I am sweating and Ac is not helping it. I took a sharp breath and mentally prepared to face him. 
Vivaan entered the room and his  eye found its way to mine and it softened seeing me. Oh god, that look kills. Not able to face him more I turned away

How can I betray him?

I love him.

Principal averted his eyes from the computer and gestured for Vivaan to take the seat.

“Mahira, now tell me what happened ?” Principal asked looking at me.

I can sense his eyes on me and it made me gulp. You have to do this Mahira. Only for Ishara….for Ishara…

“Sir, Yesterday last period was frèe for me. So I was at the library doing my seminar and no one was there except me. Vi…Vivaan came to me and tried….tried to force himself on me….”

I said with very difficult.  It was like hell to say those words. Vivaan has a shocked expression on his face and I know this expression is going to haunt me till my death. Tears started to form in my eyes and couldn’t control them anymore.

“ No sir this is fabricated. I didn’t do that sir. I will never force myself upon anyone. She is lying.” He said to the principal.  Anger is evident in his voice.

“Let's check the CCTV sir. Then you will know she is lying". He said. I had never seen him this much angry. But I am helpless. I have no other option Vivaan, please forgive me.
“The CCTV are under maintenance. It will take at least one week to repair. But we have an eyewitness to this situation”. The principal said made me and Vivaan has a confused look. Sir let him enter the room. It was Someone from his class. I don’t know his name and Veer didn’t tell me that he is arranging a fake witness.

The guy said his fake confession to the principal and whoever that man, he  is a great actor. Vivaan had a betrayed look on his face which directly pierced into my heart.

“You are dismissed from this institution Mr. VIVAAN SINGANIA and restricted from writing your final examination.”

The Principal's words hit me like a thunderstorm. I never expected him to be dismissed from the college. In my mind, it will be suspension from college. Before storming out from the office Vivaan's gaze falls on me. His eyes are red in anger and frustration. It tells a story that he will never let this go matter easily. After he left I finally composed myself and went to the parking area. I don’t want to be here. The atmosphere is suffocating and I can't even breathe. I started the car and drove towards the apartment without waiting for my friends.


It's been one week since that incident. Everyone in college knew that Vivaan was restricted from college for molesting a student. No one knows it is me. I couldn’t even tell this to my friends. Veer deleted the photos gave me the memory card and promised to never come across Ishara.

“I think it’s a false case. Vivaan will never do something like that". Ishara's words bring me back from my thoughts. I looked at her.

“What do you think about it, Mahi". Driti asked me. I didn’t reply.

“What happened to you. You have been like this for the past few days, always gloomy. Is something bothering you dear ?”. Driti's eyes never left mine. From her look, she knows I am hiding something.

“Nothing guys. It's just exam tension…..Come let's go. It's already 5 pm.”
When we started walking to the parking area someone called me.

“ Mahira  Mrs. Khosla is calling you. She is in the library”. It was a girl from my class. I asked my friends to wait for me at the parking area and went to the library.

It's already 5 pm and the college is almost empty. There is pin-drop silence in the library and I slowly walk towards the business management section where we usually spot her. I called for her but silence was the reply. I checked two or more sections and also looked for the librarian, but no one was there. I know something is wrong when the realization hits me that I am all alone. Fear started to drown me and I  ran towards the main door. Unfortunately, it was locked and before I could shout for help I yanked back into my muscular chest. A strong cologne hits my nostrils. I know this smell. The smell has not let me have an ounce of sleep for the past few days. I know he is very angry at me for ruining his life and now he can do anything to me for that. I can't risk my safety and somehow I managed to push him to hide somewhere. My attempt to hide failed when a strong arm caught mine and he pushed me down.

“Where are you going sweetheart" he asked keeping a devilish smile on his face.
The look on his face increases the fear for him. I started to take sharp breaths and wiped my sweat.

“You are already sweating.  I didn’t even do anything. You were all brave in front of the principal. What happened to you now"

“ What are you doing here Vivaan you are restricted from the college"

“Thank you so much dear for letting me know that. Well, that was a smart move from you. I know you hated me but I didn’t know that you loathed me this much that played such a dirty game to expel me from the college.”

Words were not forming in my mouth, it felt so dry and all I did was cry upon my fate. I wiped my tears and slowly stood up.

“You also bribed someone from my class to become your fake witness.” He said by caging me between him and the wall

“We both know your accusation is wrong. But now I am going to make it true".
Before I could process the words he tore the long sleeves of my shirt. I was shocked by his action and I couldn’t even balance my body and fell. He came towards me by removing his jacket. Fear started to creep in me.

“Vivaan what are you doing …this is wrong. Please leave me Vivaan. I am sorry…”

“You are sorry now …you are sorry after ruining my life. Keep it yourself Mahira.  You will regret this in your life”.

Before I could say something, the darkness consumed me. I slowly closed my eyes and all ready to kiss the floor, but  two arms grabbed me by the waist. All I can remember was his panicked calls to wake me up.
I Woke up from my sleep. Still, it’s the same dream. I slowly drink the water placed on the nightstand.  His accused gaze is still haunting. That was the day I saw him for last. Now he is back in my life that too as my boss.

Do I still love him ?????

I don’t know.

But I can never forget him. His presence still has the same effect on me.

Dear god, please help me

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