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"Did you just do to her what she said?"
He asked me in his mad voice. Why is he always in this pissed mood.

"No she is lying. I didn't twist her hand. It's she slapped me.". I told him . I was trying to keep my anger at these two people under control.

"So you want me to believe you". He asked keeping that arrogant smirk. I really wanted to wipe that by slapping him.

"I don't care whether you believe it or not." I said.

I was fed up with his behavior. I know he did not like the way I responded to him now.

"Oh really. Shut the fuck up your mouth. Well, I have never found a better lier than you. You will lie to anyone for your selfish motive. I believe Disha, and you need to apologize to her.". He yelled at me which is not new for me. But when he called me a lier,I it did something to my heart. A glimpse of our flashback went through my mind. I said nothing. I will not apologize for something I have never done.

Not getting any response from me he gripped my hands. I did not try to loosen his grip and instead waited for his next movement. My lack of response to his warning irked him the most. He tightned his grip on hand. It will definitely leave some red marks there. Tears started to welled up in my eyes.

"Apologize Right Now". He yelled at me.

"I will not apologize for something I did not do. It was she who slapped me. Ask her to apologize.". I am fed up with his nonsense. I will not gonna apologize to her.

"You...." before he could say anything that girl touched his biceps to calm down.

" Calm down Vivaan. Leave it. I have no complaints. Leave it." She said keeping an innocent face . She should act in movies; she will undoubtedly win Best Actress Award.

But her hand on his biceps concerning me. He noticed I am looking at her hand on him smriked at me. I averted my gaze and looked around. He placed his hand around her waist and led her to his cabin.

I returned to my desk to resume work. Suddenly, the intercom rings and he calls me. I understand why he is calling me: to serve his guest the coffee, tea, or whatever she wants. I am not gonna attend that bloody phone. I am really mad at them. If I stayed with them another second, I am sure I would kill both of them with my own hands.

I shut my computer and went towards the elevator. I am going to the canteen. I have not eaten anything since the morning, and it is already noon. I am not going to starve and do his job. I went to the cafteria and ordered food for me. I ate food like I'm starving for death. I purposefully spent more time in Cafteria cheating with random colleagues.

He want that report as soon as possible, but I don't care. I need to find a way out of my job as secretary. He is really eating my brain. I'm already tensioned about my brother's behaviour. He is not answering my phone and messages. Even Bhabhi is hiding something from me. I tried again to call Bhayya. Still he is not answering it. I sighed and went back to my cabin.

I flinched at my place seeing Mr Arrogant standing at my desk. His face says he is really angry at me for not attending his phone and it made my heart beats fast. I took baby steps towards my desk and tried to avoid eye contact with him. He became very impatient with my walking and dragged me towards him by my hand. He kept his both hands on the either sides of desk caging me between me and himself. My heart raced as he moved closer to my face.

"Where were you?". He asked clenching his jaw. I pretend that I did not hear his question. It only increases his anger.

"I am asking to you Mahira," He gripped my hand more tightly.

"Mr.Singania you are crossing the limits. You cannot stand so close to me like this. It's really unprofessional.". I said testing his patience.

"So this is unprofessional behavior for you. So, just a few moments ago, you were all smiling and touching with your coworkers. That was very professional, right, Ms Mahira?" So he was monitoring what I was doing. This is unbelievable.

"So you were spying me" I asked him irritatingly. He responded with a mocking chuckle.

"Spying...? And that's on you. I have a lot of other work to do in my life. You are no even worth for my single glance." He said with his usual smirk.

" If I am not even worth for your glance, then why are you standing so close to me." I asked, trying to push him back. But he did not flinch and stood firm.

"Cauz, I like to torture you".

He whispered in my ear in his husky voice. My eyes wide in his comment. He slowly tucked the hair strands that were falling on my face under my ear.

"Why are you shivering. My touches are still affecting you".

His hot breath fanned on my face and I gulped due to this close proximity. My heart is beating like a marathon. I hate my body for reacting the way he wanted. He smirked seeing the battle between me and my body. He slowly retrieved from my body and throw a packet on my face. I had not noticed he had something in his hand until now.

"Be ready at 6, I will pick you. You are accompanying me to a party.". He said authoritly .

" And you can leave now".

He left to his room without waiting for my reply. I just stayed there for another minute to process what he had said. He is taking me to a party. Why does he want me to come with him? He must have a lot of girlfriends; just take one of them and leave me. Who are you talking about, Mahira? He is Mr. Vivaan Singaina, and he does not care what people think.

I just shook my head about his behavior and packed my bag. It is only 3 p.m., and this is the first time I have left the office early since becoming his PA.

I reached my apparent after driving for 20 minutes. I am still hungry after eating the cafteria. So I decided to make something to quench my hunger. I looked through my refrigerator and found some strawberries. I'm running out of my groceries. I grabbed the strawberries and made a mental note to go shopping over the weekend.

I made strawberry smoothie which is Mia baby's favourite. Oh I really miss my baby. I am going to meet her tomorrow after work. I drink the smoothie and decided to take short nap since it only 4.

My alarm clock ringed at 5 and I slowly opened my eyes. I turned it off and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. Wrapping a towel around my body, I went to the bedroom. I didn't open the packet he gave. I looked all over and finally found it in the sofa. It's a beautiful Grey colour party wear. His selection is not bad. After I finished drying my hair, I put on the dress. I decided to leave the hair open and curl it on the end. I did my makeup and find a matching heels from my wardrobe. I looked at myself in the mirror. This dress really suits me. It's been a while I attended any party.

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