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My phone beeped with the sound of a message. 'Come down'. It was his message asking me to come down. I didn't told him about my apartment then how did he found it. How can I forget he is Mr. Vivaan Singania. For him, it is as easy as picking a flower.

I went to the parking area found him leaning on his car typing something on his phone. He is in a black color suit looking so hot and sexy. He used gel to style his hair, which made him look more attractive.

The sounds of my heel made him to look at me. His gaze lingers on my body from top to bottom. His sharp gaze, which bore into my soul, caused me to shift in place. I cleared my throat to get his attention, which caused him to come out of his trance. He straightened and looked at me for one moment.

"What are you wearing". He asked going back to his angry mode.

"I am wearing the dress you gave me." Now what is his problem. It's the same dress he gave. Did he lose his memory?

"That fucking designer". He cursed beneath his breath and clenched his jaw.

" Even the designer dress can not hide your flaws." I rolled my eyes at his comment. I don't need anyone opinion to know my worth. I am beautiful the way I am. He is doing this to irritate me, and I am not going to fall for it.

I opened the door and get into the car. He started the car, and the ride was quiet. I secretly glanced at him throughout the ride, but his attention was solely on the road. I can not help but be envious of his gorgeous eyelashes. Do you know if he uses lip balm or follows any kind of daily lip care routine? His lips look amazing. It must be really soft. I turned away from my admiration of my enemy when he pulled the car over in front of a hotel.

Thankfully, he was unaware that I was staring at him. He opened the door like a gentleman for me. It's obviously for the public show. He led me into the hall where the party taking place. This place screams luxury. Everything here is worth a fortune. As soon as we entered, an old man approached Vivian's side.

" Thank you so much Mr. Singania for attending our company's annual celebration. We are delighted to have your presence here." That man said to Vivaan, shaking his hand.

"Congratulations Mr. Vincent". Vivaan responded with his usual arrogant posture. Mr. Vincent smiled at me.

"Who is this beautiful young lady with you ?". He asked to Vivaan.

" She is my PA. Mahira Rajput". I smiled at me

" You are a Rajput ? You look familiar. Where is your family from dear". Mr vincent asked me. Do he know my pappa. Does he see me with family? . No one know I am from the famous Rajput family. I have kept my identity hidden throughout my school and college years and even now. Even Vivaan have no idea. Before I could tell a lie, someone called Mr Vincent. I exhaled a breath of relief. Thank goodness Vivaan did not mind his question; otherwise, I am sure he would found out about me.

He is conversing with the businessmen who are attending the function. I am following him like a lost puppy. He is not even acknowledging my presence. This heel is not making me follow him everywhere. I slowly backed away from there and went to a corner. I found a chair, took off my heels, and massaged my feet.

I suddenly felt a presence near me. I looked up and saw Mr. Ragav Mukharji standing so close to me. I immediately stood up and created some space between us. I know him since I'm working with Mr Krishna. He is my father's age, but I always find his behavior creepy. He will never miss an opportunity to get close to me. Mr Krishna once knew about his behavior, and he has never asked me to come with him to meet this man. Now. I'm seeing him after a while.

"Hello Mahira it's been a while. How are you dear" He asked me.

" I'm good sir."

" You come with Me Singania . We were just talking about you." He said with his usual sugar coated smile. They were talking about me. What they are my talking about me. I am the least significant person in his discussion. But that's not important now. I need to excuse from this man. I give him back a smile, but it is obviously a fake one.

"I really missed you Mahira. Now I am going to do business with Mr Singania, so we will definitely meet more often". He said with excitement.

"Excuse me, sir; I will be back in a second." I said, then I started moving right away. I moved so quickly that I ended up running into someone else. I looked up to find it was Vivaan.

"Where were you?" He asked me .

Before I could answer his question he said "Dance with me". He grabbed my waist and took me to the dance floor. It took me a moment to process everything and I'm already on the dance floor. How did he find me in the crowd?

"Sorry I don't know how to dance." I said trying to remove his hands from my waist. But it only made him to increase the grip. He gave me a hard glare that said do not dare to disobey me. I immediately looked down to avoid meeting those intense eyes. Suddenly the light become dim and a romantic song started playing. He grabbed me by waist and pulled towards him. His touches are burning me. He started to move along the song and I followed him. This close proximity is doing nothing good to me. His eyes are not leaving me and it has various emotions.

He is a good dancer and it's little difficult for me to follow his all steps. The music stopped, and the light returned to normal. I immediately left the dance floor. I turned to look at him, but he was already staring at me. He is talking with someone but his eye are not leaving mine. Suddenly I started to feel more suffocated. I felt there was not enough air to breathe. He still has the same effects on me. He smirked seeing my condition.

I walked fastly towards the restroom. Once I was inside, I shut the door. I looked myself in the mirror. My face and neck are red. I washed my face and took a deep breath to calm down.

Suddenly I heard someone opening and closing the door. I jerked and turned to find Mr Raghav Mukharji is standing at the door. He gave me creepy smile. Fear started to form in my mind but I tried to not evident that on my face. He started to take predatory steps towards me.

"You looks so hot today Mahira. I can not keep my eyes off of you." He tried to touch my waist but I immediately pushed him.

"Mr Mukharji what are you doing in the ladies washroom. Get out right now." I said panicking. I am alone here with this creep, which heightens my anxiety.

"Why do surprised dear. I'm here for you. From the moment I first saw you in Krishna's office, you took my breath away. I really wanna taste you. Now I have a golden opportunity; how can I pass it up?" I began to move backward until I hit the wall.

" Stay away from me. I will shout. If Mr Singania finds out about it, it will not be good for you.". I tried to fear him taking Vivaan's name. Everyone is scared of the name Singania. But to my surprise, he began to laugh. I looked at him confused.

"You really he gonna come and rescue you". He began to laugh like a psycho.

"He already saw me coming for you." He said.

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