My Prince In.... Glitchy Armour? {Ben x Reader}

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I yawned, my fingers pressing the keys on my keyboard, forming words, which formed sentences. The sentences I hope would talk my friend out of suicide. She was my best bro, I couldn't let her die, not that I could let any of my friends die. She was the one I loved, in a platonic way, the one I cared for. I don't care what he thinks. She cannot die.

It is currently one o'clock in the morning. I yawn once more before pressing send. I wait a couple minutes, almost falling asleep, when I here a beep indicating that I got a reply. I quickly read the text on my screen, a small smile on my lips. I typed a quick goodbye before setting my laptop on my desk, since I had it on my lap. I laid down, staring at my ceiling. I sighed looking back at my laptop, which said I had a reply. I sat up, using the track pad to click on the notification.

Weird. The message was from i_DROWNED_ben. Probably a new follower, I clicked on it. Once it loaded I was astonished. I have never seen something like this. I looked through the reply, not that it was really a reply... more like a message. That's it! That's what it was. It was a secret message. Hidden inside the glitch was a message.

It took me half an hour, but I finally figured out what the message was. The message read, "Dear y/n I am here to inform you that you are being watched. Shut down and close your laptop. I repeat shut down and close your laptop." I laughed, that was the dumbest prank ever. Probably one of my friends. I wrote a quick reply, telling them it was cool with the secret message and that it was a nice try for a prank. I laid down again, ignoring the constant beeping from my laptop telling me about the replies. I ended up just muting notifications.

I laid there, quiet, the light from my laptop shining on my face. I yawned, my eyes closing as I finally drifted off to sleep.

I was awoken by this screeching noise and my laptop glitching out like crazy. I forced shut it down and slammed the lid shut, terrified. What the hell was that? My hand clenched my shirt right where my heart was.

"My go-" I couldn't finish before a hand clamped over my mouth, keeping me from making any noise. I tried to bite and lick the hand, trying to get it off me, but to no avail. I whimpered, giving up. I let them gag me with a bandana, and tie my hands behind my back. There wasn't much I could do anyway. I live out in the middle of nowhere, literally, and my parents have been gone all day.

My capture laid me back, covering my eyes with a cloth. I felt them climb onto me, straddling my hips. "It's finally nice to meet you, y/n" My eyes widened, the cloth being puled away from my face. I looked at my capture, I would have screamed if it wasn't for the gag.

Sure enough, on top of me was none other than Ben Drowned himself. World known killer. My life rested in his hands. I was going to die one way or another so might as well be the less painful way. "What do you want?" I stuttered, my voice muffled because of the gag. It was painful to talk, but I felt like I needed to.

"I want you," Ben cooed, getting close to my ear. I could feel my face heat up, and I was pretty sure the tip of my ears were a light pink. I tried to push against him, my body pressing against his, since, well, my hands are tied behind my back. Ben untied the gag, tossing it away. "Listen to me, and listen closely. If you scream, or do anything I don't like, I will not hesitate to kill you. Got it?" I nodded, my eyes watery.

Ben smiled, pressing his lips against mine. His lips tasted weird, but I kissed him back. I didn't know what I was doing. I barely seen a boy in real life let alone this! Ben's hands snaked behind my back, untying my hands. I rolled them in circle a couple times before wrapping them around him.

I had to admit, he isn't really that bad. Of a kisser that is, he still is a homicidal freak after all. He soon pulled away for air. He smiled at me, winking. I giggled. Whoa that is new...

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