Jeff X Reader

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Right off I'm going to say Srry if this is bad. Please in joy!!!! X3


~Your P/O/V~

Destiny had just invited me over for a little game night. I've been over before and knew my way pretty well. I have meet the other Creepypastas and I know that they wouldn't hurt me unless they want to be dead first.

I just reached the mansion and knocked on the door. BEN was the one that answered and he was missning his hat. "Hi Y/n. If you don't want to play 7 Minutes in Heaven better run." I about to take off when someone grabbed my arm and yanked me inside. Of course it was Destiny, and she shoved BEN's hat in my face. I reached in and felt around. I felt something sharp touch my finger and I pulled it out. I had pulled out a knife and not any knife, but Jeff's knife. Destiny snatched the knife and threw it into the wall while pushing me to the closet. She shoved me in and locked the door behind me. I was pushed into someone's chest. I automatically knew it was Jeff, I could see his unblinking eyes stare at me. I just went and leaned against the nearest wall. I felt odd being in a closet with a killer.

"Y/n?" Jeff asked walking towards me.

"What?" I asked looking up from the floor. Once I looked up something was pressed against my lips. I soon reliezed Jeff was kissing me and I kissed back. He pulled back after about a minute.

"Sorry Y/n. I just liked you for a while now and was happy when you got me." I was shocked that Jeff liked me back. I had liked Jeff for a while now. I grabbed Jeff's hoodie and pulled him towards me, smashing my lips into his. He was shocked, but when I was about to pull away he slammed me up against the wall pinning me. He started kissing me roughly, licking my bottom lip asking for entrance which I playfully denied. He growled as he slid his hand slipped up my shirt cupping my breast. I gasped and he didn't waste anytime plunging his tongue into my mouth. He explored his new territory while moving his hands up my shirt making my moan. He soon pulled away and took off my shirt. I gasped as the cold air from the closet hit my newly exposed skin. He chuckled and started kissing my neck looking for my sweet spot. Once he found it, he abused that spot. I moaned as he did so, making him pull away.

"Like it, Y/n?" I nodded as he left butterfly kisses down my neck until he reached the top of my breasts. He then reached behind me and unclipped my bra. I gaspped as he threw it to a random corner. He then took my shorts throwing them over with my shirt. He then started making his way up my inner thighs to my (( no other words for it so...)) Area. I moaned slightly as he started rubbing me through my panties.

"Two minutes!!" I heard Splendor call from behind the door.

"That's plenty of time..." Jeff said slipping off my panties. He threw them to a random corner and started rumbing my clint. I moaned loudly as he did so. He soon added a digit into me... then another... and finally one more. I was moaning loudly now which caused him to chuckle. " Like it Y/n?" I nodded. He pulled out which caused me to growl.

"Now now Y/n be patient." And with that I flipped us so I was on top. I slipped off his hoodie and shirt throwing them to some random corner. I then started tracing my finger down until I reached his V-line. I then started rubbing him threw his jeans. He moaned slightly as I moved faster. I stopped once I heard footsteps at the door. I couldn't find my shirt, but Jeff gave me his hoodie. I quickly slipped it on and zipped jut in the nik of time. BEN and Destiny swung open the door with a camera.

"BEN I told you to open it sooner!" Detiny said smacking BEN on the head. I giggled because I knew how they always fought over the simplest of things.

"Met me in my room." Jeff whispered into my ear.


 Don't go to sleep you won't wake up.... ~Jane The Killer

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