Laughing Jack X Reader (Request)

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~Y/N's P/O/V~

I walked along the busy roads of California, when I came across an abandoned circus. I stopped and stared at it for a moment. I turned and walked inside. I walked around and stopped at a gaint circus tent. I walked inside and looked around. I walked to the middle of the tent and spun around. I laughed and started pretending I was in an circus act. "And here is the amazing, Y/N!" I yelled, pretending to be the host of the show. I did a kartwheel and a front hand spring, and a whole load of tricks before I stopped. My breathing was heavy and my chest rose and fell rapidly. All of a sudden I heard clapping from behind me. I spun around to see a clown their, in front of the entrance and exit. The clown was in a black and white striped outfit with bluff fluffy stuff on the shoulders. The clown took a step closer to me and I took a step back.

"Nice job, lovely," he said, his voice musky and had a bit of a laugh to it. He took another step closer and I took another step back.

"What do you want?" I asked as he took another step closer and me taking another step back, only to trip over my own feet and fall to the ground. I landed on my back and smashed my head on the ground, my vision going black for a moment. I shook my head to try to clear it from the blackness. I regained my sight and looked up only to be met face to face with the clown.

"Hello," he purred, causing me to jump to my feet and push him to the ground. My heart raced in my chest and felt like it was going to jump out of it. I placed a hand over my heart and looked down at the clown. I guess he's not going to hurt me, I thought to myself, and he's pretty cute, for a clown. I reached my hand down for him to take and to help him get up. He took my hand and I tried my best to pull him up, but somehow I ended up on top of him, on the ground. For some reason my cheeks heated up when I looked up to see that he was looking at me.

"What's your name?" I asked him and he smiled bigger.

"Well I'm Laughing Jack of course, but darling you can call me LJ," he laughed and I smiled.

"Well, LJ, I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you," I said, a smile playing on my lips. LJ wrapped his arms around me and stood up, taking me with him. He let go of me and my feet touched the ground. 

(I'm just going to leave this here for now, I might do a part two...)

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