Jeff X BEN (Request)

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Me: Dafuq?!?!

BEN: What I am!!!!

Me: *face palm*


~BEN's P/O/V~

I was playing COD when Jeff came in pissed. I looked up from my game at him and saw that he fresh blood on his white hoodie. "Killing Spree?" I asked looking back at my game.

"No" He said taking a seat beside me. I paused my game and looked at him. What happened then? Why would he have blood all over him if he didn't go on a killing spree? My thoughts were broken when I felt something on my leg. I looked down and saw Jeff's hand on my inner thigh....

~Jeff's P/O/V~

I stormed into the gaming room knowing BEN would be in there, and he was. He was playing COD and he looked up at me when I walked in.

"Killing Spree?" He asked looking back at his game.

"No" I answered, I just came back from cutting myself. (I don't like cutting.... I did it and it hurts yourself and others....) BEN paused his game and looked at me. He seemed to be deep in thought and I slipped my hand to his inner thigh. He seemed to have noticed because he looked down. I was surprised when he didn't Jerk away. I liked BEN, but never had the courage to tell him. There's only one way to tell...

~BEN's P/O/V~

Did Jeff like me back? Or was this an accident? What's going on? My mind was spinning. I looked up at Jeff only to have Jeff press his lips against mine. I was surprised, but kissed him back. He pulled away, and looked into my eyes.

"Do you like me, BEN?" He asked, which made me a little surprised.

"Yes, Jeff, I like you..." And with that Jeff took my hand and we ran threw the hallway into his room. "What's going on?" I asked a little worried as Jeff shut and locked the door.

"You'll see" Was all he said before I was on the bed and he was on top of me. "I wanted to do this for a long time." He started kissing my neck and found my sweet spot making me moan. He then started leaving butterfly kisses down my neck until he reached them brim of my shirt. He the slipped off my shirt and threw it across the room as I did the same with his. He then continued down my stomach until he reached the top of my pants. He looked at me as if asking for permition and I nodded.

~Jeff's P/O/V~

Once BEN nodded I slipped off his pants along with my own. I rubbed him threw his boxers and was pleased when he started moaning. He then flipped us so he was on top and sliped off my boxers. He put his mouth and the tip of my member and traced his tongue around it. He then started to slowly bob his head up and down. Not pleased I took his head and bobbed it faster and deeper. I moaned in plessure, when he pulled away. A little annoyed I flipped u back over and slipped of his boxers. I started sucking off his member making him moan.

"I-I'm gonna come..." He gasped, and I pulled away. That made him growl.

"Wait..." I said, flipping him onto his stomach. I then slipped into him. (This is were my writing will suck dah most sorry...) I gasped in pain and I aited for him to adjust to me. He gave a heisitent nod and I continued. I puled out so just the tip of my member was in him and thrusted in. He gasped in pain as I did ths, but as we continued he soon started to moan.


It was painful at first, but I soon got used to Jeff's size. I reached down and began to stroke my left out member and moaned louder. Soon Jeff and I came. Jeff laid down beside me and pulled the covers over us.

"Go to sleep BEN. Don't worry this isn't going to be the last time." and with that Jeff and I fell asleep in each other's arms. I knew what Jeff said was true.


I know this isn't my best, but apperently this is some what popular... and Imma happy about that. Also I'm not to good with boyxboy and girlxgirl, but I'm not to bad... I hope. Well hope you liked!!

You shouldn't have done that... ~BEN Drowned

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