You're a bit Crabby... Part One {Human!Karkat x Reader}

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You were currently at your friends Karkat's since you were staying over for the weekend, and you were surrounded by crabs, like they were literally everywhere. Oh you want a pillow, oh look it's a crab. You need to go to the bathroom? I hope you don't mind sitting on a flipping crab. You want a glass of water, nope, crab. A smile played on you lips as you turned to face your flustered friend. You have known Karkat for years and you have always thought it was normal for Karkat to have flushed cheeks, since you have never been around him when he didn't. You didn't realize that when he was around you was the only time he was all flushed.

"No wonder your so crabby," you joked, hugging him. Karkat's cheeks flushed brighter as he hugged you back.

"Oh shut the fuck up, Y/n" Karkat growled as you two released your friendly embrace of awkwardness.

"Make me," you teased, puckering your lips. Karkat's cheeks were full on red as he glared at you. You laughed, plopping down on the couch. You hugged a crab shaped pillow in your arms, as Karkat took a seat beside you.

You guys decided to play the very few video games he had before watching rom-coms. After about four hours straight of watching rom-coms you were passed out, cuddling the arm of Karkat. Karkat on the other hand was paralyzed, his heart felt like it was going to beat right of his chest, and his face about as red as a tomato. 


You were awoken by the smell of pancakes, and you sat up with a confused look before you remembered where you were. A smirk made it's way to your lips as you got out of Karkat's bed. You shuffled through his clothes before changing into one of his shirts and a pair of sweatpants. While the shirt kept falling off your shoulder the sweatpants fit quite comfortably.

Deciding to show off your new outfit you made your way to the kitchen. Spotting Karkat with his back to you, you smiled slightly. You made your way over to him, bare feet softly padding on the tiled floor. Once reaching Karkat, who was still not facing you, you stood on your tiptoes and wrapped your arms around him.

With your body pressed against his you whispered, "morning..." And deciding that wasn't enough you added a soft kiss to his cheek, which you could barely reach. Karkat turned to face you, his already pink cheeks heating up more when he saw your outfit.

"Do you like it?" You asked nervously, adding a cute lower lip chewing. Karkat nodded his cheeks a light red. You smiled, your arms still wrapped around him. Karkat smiled a bit as he picked you up.  You giggled like a little girl as he carried you to the couch in the living room.

You sat on the couch waiting for Karkat to return with food. You had placed in both of your all time favorite movies, which wasn't a rom-com. It was a stupid old cartoon horror movie that you fell in love with when you first watched it. You guys didn't know the name, but that didn't stop you from loving it.

"What is it this time?" Karkat asked carrying in the food. You dragged the coffee table close to the couch so you two didn't have to move much to get your food.

"Our favorite..." You responded starting the movie while Karkat set the food up. As the movie started you started to eat your breakfast, pancakes. You were quite close to Karkat even the couch was large enough for a comfortable amount of space you two. You two finished your breakfast rather quickly, engaging in the movie.

You yelped, clinging onto Karkat's arm, as the killer popped out of nowhere. Karkat hardly flinched, the only reason he did was because your killer grip on his arm. Relaxing you released his arm, but didn't move from beside him. You were so close that you might as well be sitting on his lap, which you did. Deciding that you felt vulnerable you sat on Karkat's lap, cuddling up to him as you continued to watch the movie.


After the movie you decided to watch cartoons since you didn't have a plan of what to do for the day. After a couple of movies you decided to switch your position on Karkat's lap. Instead of having your side pressed against him you moved to have your back pressed against him. You wiggled into your new position, smiling at the more comfortable position.

As a result of your wiggling about and your butt now pressed to his crotch, Karkat's little buddy decided to pay a visit. Karkat blushed as you turned to look at him.

"Karkles, your phone is touching my butt," you said pouting completely oblivious to the actual thing touching your butt. Karkat mumbled an apology and moved you over so that your butt was more on his thigh than his crotch. You smiled leaning back into him, and enjoying the movie.


After a long day it was finally time to go to bed. You crawled into Karkat's bed, waiting for him to come join you. After a couple minutes of waiting you decided to go see what was taking so long. You made your way over to the bathroom, stopping when you heard muffled moans. You blushed as you finally realized what happened earlier that day and what was happening now. You hurried back over to the bed, snuggling under the blankets.

Karkat joined you a minute later, apologizing for taking so long. He turned off the light and joined you. You cuddled up to him still a bit flustered, but not wanting to draw attention to that.

"Karkles..." You mumbled and he turned to look at you. You kissed him gently on the lips, a hand gripping his shirt. He pushed you away gently, looking at you with wide silver eyes. "S-Sorry..." you muttered snuggling with a pillow.

"Y-Y/n... Why did you do that?" Karkat questioned, and you just shrugged tears forming in your eyes. He pulled you close, your head falling against his shoulder. He held you close as you cried, softly papping you while making a shushing sound. You always found this quite soothing, and within minutes were quieted down to small hics.

Karkat tilted your head towards him, and he gave you a soft kiss on your forehead. "Lower..." You muttered, and he kissed you on the tip of your nose. "Lower," you once again muttered, but this time met with slight hesitation. You about to say never mind when he leaned forward and kissed you on the lips, a gentle kiss. Karkat pulled back all too soon, his face lingering just enough so your lips don't touch.

"Y/N, I like you, like hella not platonic," Karkat whispered, his voice soft and tinged with uncertainty. You looked at him confused, but the look in his eyes gave you enough to know that he was certain about liking you.


I'm ending it here so that I can pick it up in the future for the next part, like a couple weeks or a month. I feel like that would be easier, plus I just feel like updating. So yeah... I hope you guys enjoy this... The total word count is 1200, not including the Author's Note 'cause with it it is 1270 words which is also radical!

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