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Guess who's back bitches? Yup yup yup that's right. Your boy is back and is ready to write you some more lemons. However, there's a twist! This book is no longer just lemons or fandoms if you can't tell by the title change. This book is now going to contain some fluffy one-shots as well! Some might still be smutty, but maybe not so intense. Of course, there will still be lemons.

That brings us to the other change. I am branching out from fandoms. I will probably still continue with the fandoms and x readers, however, I have many OCs who I want to write stupid things about. So, I will be putting in stories about my OCs. I might put out temporary requests (they'll probably last for a few days), and take in suggestions for stories. The requests will look something like this:

Requests Open!

Hello! I am taking some requests for one-shots! Of course, there are some rules to this!

-If I get too many requests, I'll pick the ones people like the most.

-You have to give a good description of what your idea.

E.g. A fluffy one-shot with Person A and Person B. Person B came for a surprise visit, however, it didn't go as planned... Person A thought there was an intruder and attacked Person B. Person A ended up breaking Person B's nose. This led to Person A apologizing profusely and taking care of Person B for the rest of their time there. (A.K.A. lots of cuddles, ice cream, stupid movies, and kisses).

Of course, we can (and most likely will) message afterward.

-Characters can be from anywhere, but I'm not in all fandoms. I might not pick certain ideas due to me not knowing the characters. I don't want to mess them up and ruin people's experience. However, that does not mean you can't give your own OC's or have to be scared of requesting.

Blah blah blah... It can go on, but whatever. That's not the point. That's the basics of what it'll look like. The point is...

I'm back and ready to write! Please take a look at my other works! I like writing and would like some feedback on my works! I promise you won't be disappointed!

If you guys like a shitty story about two gay ass boys who are basically polar opposites go check out my story Killjoy! It features two of my OC's Carter Morales and Luis Brown, with a few pop-ups of my others, who will get their own stories later.

Fandom Lemons (Originally Creepypasta Lemons :D)Where stories live. Discover now