Just a Friend or More? {Ticci Toby x Killer Wolf}

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Toby twitched, his eyes focusing on the girl in front of him. He tried to stay still, his heart racing in his chest. The girl's fingers trailed up his arms, causing his arms to tingle. He liked her gentle touch, but it didn't explain why his heart was racing so much. He knew he liked her, like crush way, but it was just a simple touch.

Toby reached up and played with the blue in her brown hair. Deciding to braid the hair together, he took his gloves in his teeth and pulled them off. He dropped them to the floor, and his fingers went back to her hair. His rough fingers working their way around, twisting the strands together. The girl looked up at him with a sweet smile, and her navy blue eyes shining.

"Toby, what are you doing?" She breathed out, moving around on his lap. Toby's cheeks heated up a bit, and he hoped his mask hid most of it. Finishing the braid, Toby tied it off with some ribbon that was on his wrist.

"Braiding, KW," He muttered to her, starting to work on another braid. KW grinned, her hands went back to his arms. She held onto them gently to help keep her balance. She wiggled a bit further up his lap, her crotch against his lower abdomen, and his against her butt.

Toby bit his lip, her new position making him shiver. He twitched and he tried to keep his hands still, but he ended up pulling on her hair. A small squeak escaped her lips, as she pressed herself against him, pain piercing her scalp. Her ears laid back against her head, her eyes squeezed shut.

"Sorry!" Toby stuttered out, kissing her head. He quickly finished the braid, securing it with an amber ribbon. KW felt her head, opening her eyes, and twisting the braids between her fingers. She grinned, excitement clear on her face. Her arms wrapped around Toby's neck. She pressed her chest against his, faces inches away from each other.

"I love it! Thanks," She squealed with excitement, her hands pulling down Toby's mask. Her lips met Toby's, her hands finding their way to his goggles. She pulled them off, dropping them to the floor. Her hands fell down to his shoulders, as she pulled away from the kiss slowly.

Toby's cheeks were a bright pink, his brown eyes wide. KW looked down, her own cheeks a light pink. He bit his lip, not noticing the blood that leaked out of the cut he made. KW looked up at him, noticing the blood.

"I thought it was okay... You know since you have a..." Her blush brightened as she cleared her throat. "You know a... a boner," She muttered out, avoiding his face. Only once she said it did Toby realize that he did, in fact, have a boner.

"I'm so sorry!" Toby stuttered out, his face beat red. KW looked up at him, her eyes shining.

"It's okay," She kissed his cheek, her hands on his chest. Toby looked at her, his eyes burying into hers. She leaned into kiss him, stopping right before their lips met. "Is it okay with you?" Toby nodded slightly, his hands on her waist. Their eyes slipped close as their lips met in a passionate kiss.

Toby let out a small whine as KW started to grind against him. Her butt felt nice against his crotch, but his clothes were so restricting. KW pulled back from the kiss, a quiet moan leaving her mouth. She did not expect as much pleasure for herself once she started grinding against him.

She stopped grinding against him and pulled off his shirt. Toby reached over and pulled hers off, looking at her breasts. KW grinned, puffing her chest out a bit. Toby looked up at her face, eyes wide.

"Go on, touch," Her grin turned into a smirk, her hand moving one of Toby's hands to her breast. Toby squeezed lightly, his other hand moving behind her back. He unclipped her bra letting it fall to the floor. Toby fondled her breasts, licking and sucking her nipples. She moaned, her ears tilting back.

"T-Toby..." She moaned out, her cheeks flushed. Toby stopped, and she looked at him. Moving off his lap, she made her way to the bed. She sat on her knees at the edge of the bed, her head tilted to the side. Toby stood, making his way over to her. He stopped in front of her, looking down to her, watching.

KW bit her lip as she carefully undid Toby's pants, and pulled down his boxers. Toby blushed as she looked at his ajdsfasd, fascinated. She licked the tip causing him to shiver a bit. She took the tip into her mouth, careful of her teeth, and she slowly took more in.

Toby grunted quietly, his head tilting back. His hands went to the back of her head, his fingers working against her scalp. She let out a pleased hum and started to move her head back. Toby watched her, his fingers not stopping their slow massage.

KW continued moving her head up and down, going faster each time. She rubbed what she couldn't fit in her mouth. Toby let out small moans of pleasure, trying to be quite. Though he tried to stay quite, he failed, the pleasure growing to be too much.

"I'm... I'm going to cum..." He muttered breathlessly, trying to warn KW. KW just went faster, wanting to know what Toby tasted like, she wanted to pleasure him as best as she could. Toby then came, and KW pulled back, swallowing what she could. She licked up what slipped out from both Toby's ajdsfasd and her lips.

Toby pulled KW up, his hands working her pants off. Once they were off, he got to work at rubbing her wet gfdsa. She held onto him, biting her lip, a small whine leaving her mouth. As he continued, her body shook from the pleasure.

He removed her shorts, his fingers slipping into her. She squeaked, her walls tightening around his fingers. Toby smirked a bit, an idea for later popping into his mind. He started to move his fingers in and out, his other hand massaging one of her breasts.

Toby added another finger into her, stretching her out. KW moaned, her hands gripping Toby's shoulders. He smirked, his eyes trailing over her body as he continued.

She was close to climaxing, and Toby pulled his fingers out. She whined softly peering up at him. He leaned down, kissing her. She kissed back eagerly, her tail wagging behind her. Toby pulled back from the kiss, a smile on his lips.

"I love you," He muttered, his eyes meeting hers. Her cheeks heated up as she started to look everywhere except at him.

"I love you too," She muttered back. Toby laid her back gently, hovering over her. KW looked up at him, her hands going to his shoulders. He entered her, trying his best to be gentle. Kw whined in pain, her walls tightening around him. Toby grunted, going in rest of the way. By the time he was fully in they both were panting slightly.

After given a moment to adjust KW nodded for him to continue. Toby started to move slowly, letting her adjust to the feeling. KW moaned quietly, her eyes meeting Toby's. They stared at each other for a moment, but KW squeezed her eyes closed, a moan leaving her mouth, as Toby went faster.

Toby smirked a bit, going a bit faster, nipping and sucking at her neck. KW let out a small squeak of surprise, tightening around Toby briefly. Toby let out a small grunt, continuing to leave marks on her neck.

Toby went faster, and their moans filled the room. It was a good thing they were in Toby's small cabin instead of the mansion, or they wouldn't hear the end of this from Jeff.

They soon came, and Toby slowly pulled out. They stared at each other for a long while before deciding to take a shower. This ended up leading to another round of fun, and Toby not so smoothly asking KW to be his girlfriend. He stuttered like a fool and his face was bright red, which was quite surprising since they just fucked, twice.

When they got back to the mansion it was late, and they got a whole lot of crap about Slender. Slender ended up putting them in charge of cleaning the torture room for a whole week. Sadly, that was not as bad as a punishment as Slender had thought. Sly little Toby thought of many ways to use that room to do a lot of fun and lewd things, and KW was more than willing to oblige to the ideas.


Sorry for the crappy ending, but I tried my best. I hope you like it! By the way I am totally not cosplaying Human Female Mituna Captor.... I am totally not going to write about that next.... I don't know what you're talking about.... Shhhhhh


Update: I just remembered I didn't edit this....  Please don't mind the keyboard smashes for the names of the private parts. I always do that when writing these... I'm not going to bother changing them. Sorry...

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