BEN X Mallory (Request)

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Me: *face palm*

BEN: What I am!!!

Me: *hugz him* Yes I guess you are, Gamer Boy.

BEN: *hugs back* YAY!!!


~Mallory's P/O/V~

I was brushing my short brown hair. It wasn't really short, but wasn't medium or long either. My green eyes bright with excitment. My friend Destiny has invited me over to a party, at Slender Mansion. I was happy; one because I got to be at one of the best parties ever, and second becaue I got to spen time with my gaming buddy BEN. And Plus I developed a small crush on him... well not a crush... and it's not small... I'm in love with him. It's a little sad because he would never feel the same way. I looked in the mirrior and pushed a strand of my brown hair behind my ear. My look was completed with a white dress, black weadged sneakers and a green creeper hoodie. My hazel tan skin seemed to glow in the faint lighting of my room, making it seem like this was magical. I grabbed my green shoulder bag and slung over my right shoulder turning off my light as I headed out my door. I locked and shut my front door heading off into the woods in the back of my house where the mansion was located.

        It was about 20 minutes of walking before the mansion came into sight. I was happy to see BEN waiting for me. I ran up to him and gave him a hug. BEN seemed a little surprised, but he hugged back. I pulled away and we ran inside, running to the game room. We played COD for about an hour before we heard Splendorman call from downstairs.

"7 MINUTES IN HEVEAN!!!!!!" He called. I laughed and took BEN's hand and dragged him downstairs. "Mallory guest choose first." I nodded and reached into the bag. I felt around until I felt something, like a.... A controller! Who would put a contoller in a bag?? Before I could think of anyone the contoller was snatched from my hand and I was pushed into a closet by Destiny. I slamed against someone's hard chest and fell back against the wall.

"Sorry..." The person spoke. I right away I reconized th voice as one to belong to the one and only BEN Drowned. I got up and waved my hands around trying to find BEN. My hands soon hit something hard. I looked up to see BEN his eyes lit up with amusment. My hands were resting on his chest and I pulled them away immeditally. BEN chuckled with amusment and my face turned pink.

"S-Sorry," I stuttered and looked down. He placed a gentle hand under my chin and lifted it up. "Wha-" Before I could finish BEN had smashed his lips into mine. I was surprised but kissed back. He soon pulled away and looked deep into my eyes.

"I Love you Mallory..." He whispered.

"I love you too, BEN" I whispered back before smashing my lips into his. He kissed back, and smashed me against the wall (gently) and I wrapped my leg around his waist. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I playfully denied. That made BEN growl and he slipped a hand up my shirt and cupped my breast. I gasped as he did so and he took no time slipping his tongue into my mouth. He searched every inch of his new territory. He left my neck and started searching for my sweet spot and once he found he abused that spot. I moaned with pleasure as he did so. He moved down my neck leaving butterfly kisses until he reached the brim of my shirt. He slipped off my shirt, as I did the same with his. He slipped off my black laced bra, and started sucking off of one of my mounds and massaging the other with his hand. He switched every few seconds so they each got the same treatment, as I moaned in pleasure. He soon left my mounds and started working his way down to the edge of my pants. He looked up at me asking for permission to continue. I nodded, and he slipped on my jeans. He started rubbing me threw my panties. I moaned louder, as he did so. He then slipped off my now wet panties, and started rubbing my newly revealed clint. I moaned louder and more as he slipped a didgit into me. He then added another then one more and pumped faster causing me to moan even louder. I was about to come when he pulled out, which caused me to whimper.

"Wait Mallory, that's not even the best part." He chuckled and slipped his fingers into my mouth, letting me suck off them. "Klinky Mallory." He said, as he unzipped his pants throwing them to some random corner, leaving him in his boxers with a large buldge. I flipped us over and started rubbing his member through his boxers. He groaned as I slipped of his boxers, throwing them out of the way, and put the tip in my mouth, swirling my tongue around the top. He growled as I just teased him for a minute. I then slowly started to bob my head up in down going deeper each time. BEN growled at how slow I was going and took my head with his hand and moved my head faster.

He started to get hard and I pulled away, making him growl. "Enough child's play." He said flipping us over. He positioned his hard member at my entrance and entered me. I whimpered slightly as my body adjusted to his size. I gave a stiff nod for him to continue and he pulled out just leaving the tip in and slammed back into me causing me to moan and whimper. Soon we both came and BEN licked up the jucies and licked my wet clint a few times making my moan. I slipped on my jeans and bra looked for my shirt, while BEN slipped on his jeans and hat.

"TIMES UP!!!!" We heard Splendor call from the other side of the door. BEN quickly slipped his shirt over my head as the door swung open revealing Jeffand Destiny with cameras.

"I KNEW WE SHOULD HAVE OPENED IT SOONER!!!" Destiny said slapping Jeff and walking off. I could swear all the world could tell they were brother and sister from the way they bickered. Me and BEN went back up to the game room and played COD until I fell asleep on his lap.


Sorry if it was bad and that it took me so long, but I have school and A LOT of homework.

You Shouldn't Have Done That....~BEN Drowned

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