No! Not Again! Not Him! {Ben x Reader}

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I sighed, looking around my room. I was leaving this beautiful place. A couple months ago I was raped here, by a serial Killer known as Ben Drowned. My parents decided to move into the city, we are leaving tomorrow. "I can't believe I'm leaving this place..." I sighed. This was were I grew up. Heck, this is were I was born.

Currently my parents were in town, which is an hour away, getting boxes so we can finish packing our kitchen. They left a couple minutes ago which means they wouldn't be back for awhile. I turned off my laptop which started glitching like crazy. I dropped it on my bed, falling off it myself. I slid under my bed, and a moment later a pair of boots hit my floor.

I kept tucked into a ball, making sure I wasn't close to the edge of the bed. I watched the boots until the left my line of sight. I stayed as quite as I could, my breathing soft.

I stayed under there for for a couple minutes before sliding back out. No one was around. I reached for my phone which laid on my bed. My fingers barely grazed its edge before I was yanked back by the collar of my shirt. I screamed, my mouth being covered by a gloved hand. I fought against them. I didn't want him. I didn't want him back here. How did he escape?

I bit down on his hand as hard as I could, tasting the glove and blood in my mouth. He yanked his hand away, a cry of pain sounding from his mouth. I turned around, my hand in a fist. My fist connected with his temple, sending him stumbling backwards.

I turned around and grabbed the phone dialing 911, before bolting out of the room. I talked to the police frantically as I looked for a place to hid. I ran to a nearby closet, choosing to hid in there. I hung up, the police coming. I waited, staying quiet.

I heard footsteps coming closer, pressing against the wall I kept my breathing quiet. The footsteps came to a stop outside the door, I tried to press myself further against the wall, only for it to open. I fell backwards into someone's arms. The door closed quickly and quietly. I didn't dare scream, shrieking on the inside was my only hope.

The room, if it even was a room, was too dark for me to see anything. I just stayed there, laying in the arms of a stranger, most likely a killer. I was lifted up, bridal style, being carried away from the door. My feet occasionally brushed against the wall, making a quiet scuffing sound. I let my eyes close, waiting for my doom. I heard a door open, and close.

When I opened my eyes I was shocked. I was in the sun room, which was blocked when I was three since I set the place on fire. It was beautiful, like it was never been set on fire by a three year old with issues. The light coming from the windows hurt my eyes, causing my to use my hand to block out some of the light.

I looked up at my capture. I gasped. "UNCLE TOBY!" I wrapped my arms around him, my face instantly burying into his chest. He wasn't really my uncle, he was my cousin, but I always called him that since he was older than me. The last time I saw him he was on television. He had to move away when his family died. I missed him.

"Hello, y/n. I missed you," He spoke, his amber eyes soft.

"I missed you too," Tears spilled from my eyes, covering my slightly pink cheeks. I looked up at him, kissing him on the cheek. "I don't want you to leave me again."

"I won't leave you, especially not with Ben here," He mumbled something, but I didn't quite catch it. I didn't bother to ask, I was just so happy he was here. He put me down, and I stood in front of him, our bodies close.

"I waited long enough," I said, before reaching up and kissing him, his lips rough and cracked. He kissed back pulling me closer. We kissed for a while, taking breaks for air, before Ben came bursting in through the boarded wall.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY GIRL TOBIAS!" Ben screamed, lauching forward, and tackling Toby.

"She's not your girl!" Toby screamed, shoving Ben off of him. He stood up, picking up a pair of hatchets that I didn't realize were there before. That's when it started, me screaming, and Ben and Toby fighting. The fight went on for a while, before the police came and dragged them both away. Toby was apparently a killer like Ben. I never knew...

The End

Until Next Time... My Love ~Ben & Toby Wink Wonk

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