You're a Bit Crabby... Part Two {Human!Karkat x Reader}

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You often tried to avoid Karkat ever since the incident. You were rather uncomfortable around him ever since what happened, even though it has been well over a week. You felt like an utter fool, you felt as though you have been played.

You couldn't believe that someone as amazing as Karkat would ever love you. Like come on! It's you! The dork that burned water. The dork that ran into Karkat and covered him in glitter the first time you met him.


You hurried down the street from your brother's store. He had given you a box of glitter to deliver to the daycare around the block. You were hurrying because you wanted to get rid of the heavy box as soon as possible.

You rounded a corner and ran straight into someone. Sadly some of the glitter weren't closed correctly, and glitter went everywhere. You rolled over on the ground, trying to breath. The box had went straight into your ribs, causing you to loose your breath. You looked over and couldn't help but let out a small giggle.

You had ran into a boy about your age. You could make out some brown hair, but it was hidden beneath a whole ton of sparkles. You sat up, staring at the glittered male.  The male sat up, shaking his head back and forth, sending glitter flying everywhere.

The male glared at you, his eyes a cool brown-red. You gulped quietly as he started to speak, his voice rough, "watch where you're going next time." You nodded, quickly standing and picking the box up and trying to clean up some of the glitter.

Most of the glitter was wasted on making the sidewalk pretty, but there was enough for the day care. Your brother was going to be quite pissed once you tell him what happened.

The boy insisted on helping you carry the box so you wouldn't make anyone else suffer with being covered in glitter. On the walk you learned his name was Karkat, and that he lives on the same street as you. You two became good friends.

~End of flashback~

Tears fell from your eyes and onto your lap. You clutched the hem of your shirt in your fists. He would never love you. Heck he wouldn't even like you! Not like a friend or a lover. No one would.

You screamed, your eyes squeezed close.

How dare he! How dare he manipulate you like that!

You screamed and screamed until you couldn't any more. Soon silent sobs rocked your body, your cheeks flushed, and wet with tears. You fell back onto your bed, a plushie clutched to your chest. It was the plushie of a crab with a kitten on its back. Karkat gave it to you for your birthday the first year he met you. He called you his little kitten.

You cried harder as you remembered all the good times you two had. All the smiles, all the laughter and bad puns, all of times you cried into each others arms. You had shared all your fears with him, all of your dreams. You had trusted him, but he lost that trust.


You woke up to a warm body pressed against you. Turning around you saw the sleeping face of Karkat. You squeaked, pushing yourself away from him, and falling off the bed. You landed with a loud thud, waking up the sleeping Vantas. He looked down at you, worry in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" You stuttered out, your wide eyes filled with tears. "Go away! I... I hate you." Karkat got down beside you, pulling you close to him.

"No. I'm never letting go." He stated simply, his arms keeping you close against him. You screamed, pushing against him. You punched at his chest and back, tears streaming down your cheeks.

"Leave! I hate you! Leave me alone! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you so freaking much! I hate you Vanats!" You screamed at him. He never loosened his grip on you. He let out a quiet shooshing sound.

After a while of struggling you finally gave up. Small hics left your shaking body, as you gripped the back of his shirt. You laid your forehead against his chest, not letting him see your face.

"Please don't leave..." You muttered out, your voice weak.

"I'll never leave you, Y/n," Karkat replied just as quietly. You smiled slightly, looking up at him. He looked down at you, his cheeks flushed. He leaned down, placing a soft kiss onto your lips. He pulled back, looking into your eyes.

You muttered something, kissing him. The kisses you two shared were small but sweet. You loved the feeling of his lips against yours. He picked you up, placing you onto the bed. You two slowly lost your clothes between the kisses.

Once you both were completely clean of clothes, he laid you back gently. You looked up at him, flustered. He placed a small peck on your lips, playing with your breasts. You bit your lip, letting out a moan as he started to suck and rub your nipples.

He left small butterfly kisses down your stomach to your area. He slipped a finger into you, moving it in and out slowly. You moaned, your eyes closed. He watched you, loving your expression. He added another finger, scissoring you.

"Ah~!" You moaned out, your face flustered. "Kar... Karkat." Your moans enticed Karkat. He added another finger, making sure to stretch you out.

Once he was sure you were stretched properly, he pulled his fingers out. You opened an eye, watching him. He put himself at your entrance, and you whimpered quietly.

"Ready?" He asked, worried. You nodded eagerly, and he slowly entered you. You wiggled a bit, finding the feeling of him inside of you a bit weird. He stopped when he was fully in, letting you adjust.

Once ready you nodded for him to continue. He slowly started to thrust in and out of you. You both moaned, and he started to pick up speed. You held onto to his shoulders, moaning his name.

"Damn... Y-Y/N," He muttered out, picking up speed. You both soon came, and he smiled down at you.

"I love you," He muttered, pulling out and laying beside you. You smiled brightly, cuddling up to his chest.

"I love me too," You joked, and he playfully hit your arm. You whined quietly, hiding your face against him. "I love you too.... Docuhe..."

"Since you two are finally together get your butts down here! Breakfast is ready!" Your brother yelled from downstairs. Your face went bright red, realizing he heard everything.

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