Haunt My Dreams {Toby x Reader x Ben}

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I can't sleep, I cry instead. Another night I go without sleep, I'm scared he'll catch me. It's been years since I last saw them, and that was before they were locked down in the 'Sand Box.' My eyes started to close, and darkness started to take over. Images of the death of my parents a year ago flashed before my eyes and I sat up with a start, screaming.

A hand wrapped around my mouth quieting my screams. "Shh, you're going to wake Mum and Paps." My older 'brother', Jack, hushed. I nodded, cuddling up to him, my breasts pressed against his back. I was adopted by his parents after my parents died. It was a bout a year ago when my parents were brutally murdered in their sleep. I had the luck to find them, and my was that terrifying. After a while I start to drift off to sleep, eyes heavy.


I wasn't asleep for long, or it didn't seem like it , before I was awoken by the hunger imitating from my stomach. I got out of bed, slowly heading down to the kitchen to get some food. When I reached the bottom of the stairs a finally realized, Jack wasn't in bed. I hurried back upstairs and checked the parent's room. They were fine. Maybe he just went to the bathroom, so I just shrugged it off. I went back downstairs, nearly tripping on the rug that waits at the end of the stairs. Who puts a rug at the base of the stairs? I mean come on!

My bare feet padded against the wooden floor as I hurried to the kitchen. Food was my main goal here, grab some and then bolt it back upstairs. I broke out into a sprint as I reached the kitchen. I jumped over the small island in the middle of the kitchen, landing with a small thump. I grinned, opening the fridge I now stood in front of. I found nothing appealing to eat so I just grabbed an apple from the fruit basket on the island. I shut the fridge before hurrying back upstairs.

Before going back to the bedroom I checked the bathroom, were I found Jack passed out cold. I sighed, throwing away my apple. "Dude, seriously?" I bent down to pick him up, but a dark chuckle stopped me.

"Fine ass you got there, Y/n," I stood back up and turned to the intruder. Ben. But oh he wasn't alone, by his side was Toby. I adjusted the baggy shirt I was wearing, truthfully it was one of Jack's shirts that I stole from him. I took a step forward before clenching my hands into fists.

"Go away before I start to scream," I whispered to them through clenched teeth. They just laughed, Toby moving behind me. I opened my mouth, letting out a high screech. Ben clamped his hand over my mouth, but that barely did anything, the high pitch wail still sounding. After a minute I quieted down, out of breath. Ben's hand restricted breathing through my mouth and slowed breathing through my nose. Getting lightheaded I collapsed into Toby, eyes closing as my brain shut down.


When I awoke I was in a strange room. I sat up, finding that I was naked and in a king sized bed. How long was I asleep? Wow. I looked around the dark room, but found that it looked like a normal room. I walked over to the closet, looking for some clothes. I found none, except on the bed was a maid outfit. Wow cliché, very cliché. I sighed slipping it on, since I didn't really want to walk around butt naked in a place I was unfamiliar with. I walked out of the room into a large corridor, which was very dark.

I walked for a bit before coming across a set of doors. I opened them to reveal a master bedroom. I walked in, looking around for someone. The doors shut behind me, causing me to squeak. I spun to look at the door only to stumble backwards and bump into a stand, which sat a very expensive looking vase. I looked back just in time for the vase to smash into the ground. Great, just great. I bent over, picking up the glass when I heard footsteps. Time for some more fun.

Forgetting about the glass I stood up, looking for a place to hide. Deciding on the most cliché place ever, I slide underneath the king size bed. When I was in the middle, far away from the view of the edges, I let out a small sigh.

The doors opened soon after that and I could see two pairs of shoes. I watched, terrified of what might happen to me in the case I was found. Quietly I pushed myself backwards until I was firmly against the wall. I slipped my hand over my mouth, quieting my breathing.

"She's not here..." Toby spoke roughly, an audible sigh following. I watched as they moved towards the bed, flopping down on it.

"Look, we'll find her," Ben replied, his words soft. I was becoming quite cramped, but I knew I couldn't get away from them. "Plus she'll come back once she realizes we have Jack. She still doesn't seem to notice though..."

"What, that Jack is a cannibal?" Toby asked, the bed squeaking under his shifting of weight. Ben squeaked quietly, the bed squeaking more. A blush flushed across my cheeks as I realized what was happening. Feeling extremely uncomfortable I slipped out from under the bed, attempting to run for it. I reached the door only to be pulled back, a scream leaving my lips.

With a huff I was dragged back to the bed, being tossed in the middle of Toby and Ben. I stared at Jack with wide eyes, tears at the corner of them.

"You owe me one," Jack growled before leaving. Tears slipped out of my eyes as I watched him leave, heart broken. Giving up I laid down, not bothering to do anything. I let them do what they wished, not feeling any of it.

"What's wrong?" I heard Ben mumble, but I didn't do anything. I felt myself being lifted into his lap, my body feeling limp. I cuddled up against him, soft sobs leaving my lips. We slipped under the covers, them cuddling me. I fell asleep like that, crying making me tired.

The end 'cause I give up.

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