Headless Love {Dirk x Jake}

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(I'm apologizing in advanced. This is a couple months old so it's not the best but I thought I should update so I'm putting this here....)

Jake cried remembering Dirk's headless body collapsing in front of him. Taking off his glasses he wiped his green eyes. He had to stay strong, he can't cry, not now anyway. He collapsed onto his bed, placing his glasses onto his nightstand.


Jake was awoken by a tapping on his window.After putting on his glasses he looked over to the window only for tears to start forming in his eyes. He rushed over to window, flinging it open allowing cold air to rush into the warm room. Jake pulled the blond that awaited him into the room, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. The blond spun them around, reaching behind Jake and shutting the window.

Arms were wrapped around each other as they fell onto the bed. They broke the kiss and Jake muttered breathlessly, "Dirk..." Reaching up Jake snatched the stupid, triangular shades from Dirk's face, grinning when he was met with familiar, glaring orange eyes.

Dirk flipped them so he was hovering over Jake, whose cheeks were flushed a light pink. Dirk had one of his hands on Jake's waist, the other hand holding himself up. Dirk's hand trailed down Jake's waist and down his thigh, and Jake bit his lip, watching Dirk's hand.

Dirk slipped off both of their shirts, hand going to Jake's inner thigh, rubbing small circles with his thumb. Jake's cheeks returned back to their normal fair tone, not so flustered. Dirk sat up, pulling Jake into a sitting position. Jake's breaths were uneven as Dirk skillfully took of his pants and boxers. Jake stopped breathing as Dirk's hand wrapped around his already erect dick. Dirk bent down, slipping the tip past his wet lips. Jake moaned as Dirk moved his head up and down. It didn't take long for Jake to climax, and Dirk soon swallowed Jake's semen, pulling away afterwards. Jake's hands clutched the sheets below him, breaths uneven from the blow job Dirk had just given him.

Jake looked at Dirk, releasing the sheets reaching over to Dirk, stripping him of his remaining clothes. Dirk laid down, allowing Jake to straddle his hips, while he pulled a bottle of lubricant out of Jake's nightstand. Jake blushed recalling the reason Dirk knew it was there.

Dirk put some lube on his fingers before placing the bottle on the nightstand. Jake leaned forward, his ass sticking up in the air. Dirk slipped his fingers into Jake, (okay I don't know anything about gay sex... Shit, but I'm trying... Sorry... AHHHHH) who bit his lip. Dirk pumped his fingers in and out for a few minutes before replacing his fingers with his (dingaling) dick. Jake let out a loud whine, his body not used to Dirk (SINCE THEY NO DO DEH DEED IN A WHILE). Jake sat himself upright, the feeling of Dirk inside of him elevating the level of pleasure, it overwhelming his mind.

With smooth motions Dirk maneuvered them so he was hovering over Jake once again. Dirk moved his hips in clean movements. In, out, in out. Jake clenched the blankets beneath him before wrapping his arms around Dirk. Soft moans left their mouths, a feeling of pure ecstasy filling them.

To them this wasn't sex. This was more than making love. They were giving each other a piece of themselves (literally). They were uniting themselves in a way marriage couldn't.

They fell asleep in a mess of limbs, as close together as they could be. Entwined like the thread that connected them to each other. They held onto each other as if they were scared to let go, which they were scared to do. They were scared to loose each other once more.

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