Ticci Toby x Shadow Runner (Destiny)

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Are you scared of your own Shadow? -Shadow Runner

Sorry for spelling errors. :D


~Shadow Runner's P/O/V~

I was in my room witing for my friend Kamila to show up. She was taking me to her house for a party. I was playing with my really long, jet black hair when there was a bang on the window. I went over to the window and saw a boy down there. Confused I opened my window and stuck my head out. "Who are you?" I asked a little scared. There was a lot of killing and I knew it was mostly Kamila and her family, but I was still a little paranoid.

"Just get your ass down here!" He yelled, crossing his arms. Now I was pissed, for one NO ONE tells me what to do and second who the hell does he think he is?!?!

"No! Tell me who you are!" I yelled back, pushing further on the window's fram. Some of my hair fell in my face and I used a hand to push it behind my ear.

"I'm Toby! Can we go? Kamila won't be happy you know and I think Jeff will be drunk soon!" He yelled, shuttering at the part about Jeff being drunk. I shuddered too, Jeff being drunk was scary as hell. One time when he was drunk he tried to strip me and when he couldn't he tried to put me to sleep. I nodded my head and pulled my head back inside. I closed my window and shut of my light while running down the stairs. I quickly locked and ran out my front door running staight into Toby. We both fell and I was on top of him. I quickly shot up and helped him up.

"Are you okay?" I asked brushing off. He just nodded. Now that I looked at him I thought he was a little cute. He had a mouth gaurd, orange/amber goggles, a gray hoodie covered with a tan/orange sweater with striped sleeves and a pair jeans. He had two hatches atached to his belt and wore black and white converse. I looked up and saw that he was staring down at me. "What?" I asked being my normal, paranoid self.

"N-Nothing... it's just you ripped your jeans." He said looking down. I looked down and saw that I ripped my jeans all the way from my knee to my ankle. Great! I thought to my self. No time to change. I was wearing a purple shirt with Rarity from My little pony on it, a gray hoodie, my now ripped jeans, and knee high black and white converse. I just grabbed his hand and started running down the street.

"Let's go! Kamila will have something for me!" I yelled. When we were close to the woods, he then yanked me to a stop. "Ow!" I yelled pulling my arm away from him.

"Sorry it's just..." He trailed of, looking away from me. I forced him to look at me by putting me hand under his chin.

"What?" I asked. I was now concerned that something was wrong. He jerked away from me and fell backwards. He started to twitch and his neck cracked. I rushed over to him and put my hand on his neck. Nothing was broken. I moved his neck to the other side and put my hand on the other side. Nothing. That's weird. I went behind him and checked his neck, but I still found nothing.

"You done with the touching?" He asked.

"Huh?" I said getting up. He got up to and brushed himself off.

"Now that your down with all the touching and everything let's go to the party." He said, walking into the woods.

~Ticci Toby's P/O/V~ (starting at Destiny's house)

Kamila had told me to go pick up her friend Destiny. I never meet her before, but she was like us, a proxy. I reached her house and threw a rock against a window. I waited a few econds until this girl opened her window and stuck her head out. "Who are you?" She asked, she sounded a little scared.

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