EJ X Katiii (Request)

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~Katiii's P/O/V~

 Destiny just invited me over for EJ's and my birthday party. We shared a birthday witch was a little wierd, but who cares. I was happy because I got to spend time with EJ and I was turning 16! I was finishing doing my hair when there was a bang on my window. I looked out of it only to see Jeff. I opened my window and stuck my head out.

"Do you want to get me in trouble?!?!" I yelled at him. He just stood there looking at me. I pulled my head back in and turned off my light and locked my bed room door. I then silently crawled out and closed my window. I was on the second floor, but it wasn't that far off a drop. I jumped off and landed right in front of Jeff.

"Wow... good landing I can't believe what girls can do in heels." Jeff said, walking into the woods. I was a little surprised to get some what of a compliment from Jeff because he was so.... only way I can describe him is as Jeff. I raced to catch up with him, but he was slowing down a bit. When I caught up with him I saw he pulled out his knife.

"Jeff?" I was now a little worried that something was out there.

"Shh!!" He said pushing me behind him. Now scared I clenched his hoodie. I felt Jeff relaxed and saw him put hi knife back into his hoodie pocket. "EJ, what are you doing here?" Jeff said taking a step forward cauing me to lose my balence and fall face first on to the ground. I got up and brushed off and when I looked up I didn't see Jeff or EJ anywhere.

"Jeff? EJ?" I called. No answer. Now a little pissed I walked off toward the mansion. It wass in sight when I felt a hot breath on my neck. I spun around only to see the one and only... "SPLENDOR!!!!!" I yelled hugging him. He was a good friend.

"Now now Katiii. Your going to be late." And with that we were in the mansion.

"Katiii!!!" Destiny yelled hugging me. "EJ was worried that you weren't coming!!"

"He was?" I asked. I had a little crush on EJ and it was a little weird because Destiny always says EJ has a crush on me too. I don't believe her, she likes to make jokes and prank people.... a lot!

"Yeah!! Now let's see where is your little Jackie..." She said looking around the room. After a bit of looking she ran around the mansion searching.  "Hmm... I can't find Jeff either. Have you seen them she asked, panting a little from her running around. I just shook my head no. I haven't seen him since he abonded me in the woods.

"JACKIE!!! JEFFY!!!!!!!" She called. No answer. "JACKIE BOY!!!!! JEFFY BOY!!!!!!! COME HERE!!!!" She yelled. Still no answer. Suddenly the fornt door swung open and there was Jeff and EJ. They look like they just ran 70 miles.

"You okay?" I asked. I was never one to hold grudges against people and they look really tired. Jeff just walked past me giving a glare at EJ.

"Yes..." EJ said taking a seat on the couch.

"You sure?" I asked, now I was worried I knew EJ was lying and he never lied to me. "EJ you know you can tell meh, right?"

"Yeah... It's just me and Jeff just lead the Rake away from you and we're just tired." And with that he got off the couch and walked up the stairs. That left me shock. Does he like me back? I wondered. I walked upstairs and to his room stopping right outside the door. I knocked lightly still questioning myself for doing this. A few minutes later EJ opened the door. I blushed because he was shirtless and I never saw him shirtless. He had perfectly toneded abs....

"Katiii?" EJ asked making me snap out of my trance. "you were staring..."

"Sorry" I said now blushing more. "I as just worried that you were hurt..."

"Would you like to come in?" He asked stepping aside. I nodded and walked in. I sat on his bed and looked around. He had medical and musical instraments spread around the room. EJ took a seat beside my and I turned my attention to him.

"Do you..." I was a litte scared to finish my question. What if he doesn't like me back? Our friendship would be wrecked! I snapped out of my trance when I felt something press against my lips. I soon realised EJ was kissing me. He was pulled away and pulled his mask down again.

"Sorry..." He said turning away. I pulled up his mask and smashed my lips into his. When I pulled away I could tell he was shocked, but he was soon on top of me pressing me down on the bed. "Katiii I love you." was all he said before kissing me once again. I finished slipping of his mask and threw it across the room. I had to say he is cute. He might not be the idle boy but he was still cute. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I playfully denied. That made him growl and he slipped one of his hands and cupped on of my mounds. That made me gasp, and not wasting a second he slipped his tongue in. We fought for domonince and he won. He explored his new territory, but soon started leaving butterfly kisses down my neck. He soon found my sweet spot making me moan.

"You like that Katiii?" He asked smirking. I nodded as he slipped of my shirt and throwing it across the room. "Well that's not even half as good as what's coming." And with that he slipped off my bra, and chucked that across the room with my shirt. I gasped as he took one in his mouth. He took them other one with his hand and he started to swirl his tongue around my now hard tip. I moaned with pleasure as he started massaging the other one with his hand. He kept switching and aftera while I flipped us over. I ran my tongue down his chest and over his abs stopping at the edge of his pants. I started rubbing him threw his jeans and he moaned as I did. He them flipped us over again and slipped off my demi shorts, leaving my in my panties. He started rubbing me threw them causing me to moan loudly. I flipped us over once again and took off his pants and boxers and was shocked by how big he was. He was at least 7 inches!! I then took the tip in my mouth and traced it with my tongue. I then started moving my head up and down slowly.

"Stop teasing..." He groaned, taking my head and started moving it faster and deeper. After a few minutes of this I pulled away. He then flipped us and slipped off my panties. He then started licking my clint, causing me to moan. He then pulled away and added a digit into pumping slowly. He then added another and started pumping faster.

"F-Faster..." I moaned, and he followed my orders and went faster. When I as about to come, he pulled out making me growl.

"Now now Katiii wait until the best part." And with that he slipped his member into me making me tear up. He whipered seet nothings into my ear waiting for me to adjust to his size. When I did I nodded and he slowly started pumping in and out of me.

"F-Faster..." I moaned, and he followed my order and went faster and harder. After a few minutes we both came and he flopped down beside me.

"Good night, sweet stuff." He whispered into my ear as he pulled the covers over us. We both fell asleep in eachother's arms.


Go. To. Sleep. ~Jeff The Killer

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